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A/N: In this chapter it'll be talking more abt Rylies past and there will be many mentions of drug use and suicidal thought. and in absolutely noo way am I trying to romanticize or mock having a drug addiction.


I ended up dropping off Kasey at her house and then Grayson at some random girls house.

I pull into the driveway of my house and put the car in park. I breathe out a long sigh.

"Dylan, can you go in the house? I gotta give something to Rylie." Aarons tells Dylan.

"Oh, okay. Bye Ry-Ry, I'll text you later." he smirks at me and exits the car and walks into Aarons house.

I look up at the black roof of the car. I can feel Aarons light brown eyes boring into the side of my face.

"Look if your mom blows out of you or whatever and you need a place to go, you can come over to my house." he offers. "Owen and Dylan will be there." he quickly adds.

I look over am him and give him a small smile. "Thank you." I whisper. Is it that obvious that my mom is practically threatening to kick me out?

Or did he read the messages while I was asleep?

He nods and exits the car.

I check my phone to see the time is two minutes before twelve. I might as well go in now and get this lecture over with.

I pull the car latch open and exit the car. I slowly walk towards the house. But before I can even reach the the door knob, the door swings open.

My mother.

"get the hell inside right now." she demands.

Whoops, I'm in trouble.

I hesitantly walk up the two stairs and walk into the living room.

I see a drug test. A fucking drug test.

She slams the front door shut and stomps over to the living room.

"Take the drug test, and while you're at it." she pauses, walking into the kitchen and coming right out. "Take this too." she throws me a pregnancy test. She thinks I had sex? I could understand the drug test, but seriously?

My tongue pokes the side of my cheek. "God you really dont trust me, do you?" I spit out making eye contact with her.

"Trust you? Why the hell would I trust you?!" she throws her arms in the air. "Last year you did fucking drugs, you snuck out almost every night, and had so much alcohol bottles under your bed I'm surprised your kidneys are still okay." she shouts at me.

I feel tears start to well in my eyes. I feel the anger, the guilt, everything coming back again.

"Fuck you." I snarl, she has no right to use that against me. "I should've never told you." my voice cracks as I feel a tear slide down my left cheek. I drop both tests, and run up the stairs.

I slam my door shut, and lock the door. I go straight to my drawer and open one of the compartments, I dig through all my jeans until I see it. At the very bottom of my drawer its a journal.

My journal from last year.

Sometimes I'll read it to remind myself not to go down the same path I did again. To not let myself fall apart like I did.

I open to the first page and sit on the floor against my drawer. And I read.

Dear journal or whatever the hell this is. Its been two weeks since Ive started to feel like this, I dont know why im feelings though. This might sound, cliche, attention seeking whatever, whatever, but I feel so fucking tired. My friends think somethings wrong. And honestly I dont even know if they really are my friends, I only talk to some in school. But I done know what's happening to me.  Dont feel like getting out of bed, my grades have been dropping a lot. I dont think anything can fix this.

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