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A/N: okay so i've gotten a few messages about what's going to happen with Our Chance, and so basically that book will still get uploads but only once a week at most lol but my main priority is this book bcuz ive been wanting to finish it for so long


I wake up from a  nap. After I finished unpacking, I took a short nap. I check the time and see it reads 11:14 pm. Okay, maybe a  long nap. I sadly, am not tired anymore. So, I pull myself up from my bed and enter the bathroom. I quickly brush my teeth, and go back into my room.

I go inside my closet and pick out black nike shorts, and a hoodie. I walk out and turn on my tv. I put on the current show I'm watching and lay back down in bed.

It's been a few hours and it's around 3:00AM. I turn off my tv and stand in the middle of the room. I connect my bluetooth to my Google Home and play a random song.

So My Darling by Rachel Chinouriri.

I stand up in the middle of my room and look around for a second but I then feel  eyes on me. I instinctively snap my eyes towards the window. I see the same boy that was arguing with his possible father at the window.

He nods his head upwards at me. I'm assuming he's saying hi.

So, I do the same.

He walks to his window and once more, closes his curtains.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I wake up to my alarm blaring in my ears. I groan and turn off my alarm. I lay in bed. Thinking about the possibilities when I go back to school.

What if it happens again? What if I do it again? What if the word gets out?

"Rylie! Get ready or you'll be late!" my mom yells from downstairs snapping me out of my thoughts. I groan.

I get out of bed and walk into my closet. I pick out baggy denim jeans, and a sweater. I put on my shoes and go into the bathroom. I brush my teeth and hair.

I go back into my room and do my quick makeup. I put on my few silver rings, very small hoop earrings, and heart shape necklace.

I go downstairs and enter the kitchen.

"Hey, want breakfast?" my mom asks, drying her hands with a hand towel.

"No, it's okay."

"You ready for school? First day since..." she takes a hesitant pause. I sigh.

"Mom, it's okay. I'll be fine." It's totally not like I'm transferring school in the middle of first semester. "I got to go before I'm late. I'll pick up Ruby after school." I tell her getting up from my chair. I grab my car keys and leave the house.

When I arrive at school I enter the main office.

"Hi, I'm here for my schedule." I tell the office lady.

"Full name." she plainly says.

"Rylie Rose."

"Okay." she says. She types something into her computer and prints what I think is my schedule. She looks at me for second then looks back at the printer to grab my schedule.

"It has your schedule, locker number and combination." she mumbles to me.

"Okay, thanks."

I walk out of the main office to see the halls crowded with slow walking teenagers. I scoff and look down at my schedule. I see my locker number is 232 I notice that I'm already in the hundreds. Matter of fact i'm by the number 212. So I have to walk down the hall in order to find my locker.

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