chapter 8 (ignorance)

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y/n pov

I woke up with a major headache. I got up and got ready for school.  I went in the bathroom to shave my 'non existent' hair on my face and I just cut my self with the razor.

"ah shit." I mumbled under my breath seeing blood. I washed my face and grabbed a band-aid. I put the band-aid over the cut. I dressed up for school and left my room. I grabbed an apple and washed it. I took a bite out of it. Thats when I saw Hanni walk out her room. I avoided eye contact with her after our argument last night. I grabbed my bag and left the house while eating my apple. Hanni followed me out the house while we started walking to school.  When we arrived at school I finished my apple and I threw it out.

"why are you guys so distant?" hyunjin asked.

"dude can you not read the room?" yeonjun whispered to hyunjin

"no? we're not even in the room we're outside?" hyunjin said confused.

"anyways, y/n what happened to your face?"Hyunjin pointed out the band-aid on my face

"Oh I cut myself with the razor this morning." After hanni heard that she immediately turned and looked at my face

"not on purpose right? no self harm?" minho asked

"no, there would've been a ton of cuts on my face if it was self harm." I said to him. They all grew concerned

"we need to keep an eye on you." Sunghoon said looking at me.

"I'm good, thank though." i replied putting my bag in my locker.

we say down at our desk and a girl in front of us turned around and faced me

"damn what happened to your face?" the girl asked. her voice sounded familiar so I looked up from my paper and saw-

"zuha?! when did you get here??" I asked shocked.

"about.... 3 days ago?" Zuha counted on her fingers and held up 2 fingers.

"zuha you said 3 days but held up 2 fingers. so is it 2 or 3?"
"oh 2 sorry"

"that's what I've been telling her but she's been insisting it was 3." I saw the first love of my life.

"jen?! where the hell are you guys coming from???" I asked confused looking at both of them.

"we came from our mothers stomach? anyways what have we been missing lately?" she asks me

"he got into an argument with his girlfriend." yeonjun blabbered out.

"oh? girlfriend. who?" yunjin asked. She sounded a bit jealous.

"Hanni pham. remember? new girl?" minho said.

"oh. her." yunjin said looking back at her paper

"someone's jealous much?" zuha asked nudging yunjin.

"I'm not jealous." yunjin said crossing her arms.






. the bell rang and we all rushed in the cafeteria.

"what did happen to you guys?" hyunjin asked

"she called me a fucking staff member. We made a promise not to let things go between us but there she is?? she also said I was over reacting." I told them the whole story while their jaws dropped.

"stranger-zoned is actually sad." Kazuha said staring at me.

"worst part is I live with her so I have to see her everyday.." I said to them looking down at my food.

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