Chapter 12 (seekers Revenge pt 2.)

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Third person.

They all went back to school and Y/n and Yeonjun showed up with cuts on their face still. Everyone made up rumors of what happened.

"What happened to you?" chaewon asked looking at her brothers face.

"He got into a fight with yeonjun during the sleepover." Sunghoon said.

"I thought you said you wouldn't be in anymore fights?" chaewon asked scoffing.

"well obviously I lied." y/n said opening his locker.

They all went in the classroom and Yeonjun went up to y/n.

"You look worse than your mom that died. Glad I got rid of her." yeonjun said smirking

"what?" Y/n asked with cold eyes.

"let's just say that I was the one who crashed into her." Yeonjun said. Y/ns slight smile faded away.

"Maybe I should do that to you, you know? mother like son. Or are you being your gangster father?" Yeonjun said. Y/n scoffed.

"are you crazy? are you on drugs?" Y/n asked.

"not really. But that night when I crashed in your mother's car. I didn't feel guilty at all." yeonjun said. Y/n stood up grabbing yeonjun by the collar of his shirt.

"what did you say?" y/n asked

"I said, I didn't feel guilty for murdering your mom." Yeonjun said smirking. Y/n did try holding back but ended up punching yeonjun. The whole class watched it. Sunghoon and MInho tried pulling them away before both hurt each other.

"This time I'll murder you like you murdered my mother." Y/n said yelling in yeonjuns face. He planted another punch on yeonjun's face but yeonjun faught back. Sunghoon and Minho pulled them away from each other.

"you fucking psychopath! You're just like your father, you're both fucking murdered someone's mom!" Y/n yelled at yeonjun while Sunghoon was holding yeonjun back. Yeonjun was smiling touching the blood coming out his nose.

"You fucking bastard!" Y/n shouted. Y/n left the classroom and went to the rooftop. He sat down on the bench and put his face in his hands. He felt liquid on his hands and he lifted his face. It was blood all over his hands. He grabbed his phone to see how bad the cuts were and it was bad. All his cuts were bleeding. Someone entered the rooftop and he didn't bother to look who it was.

"are you insane?" the female voice asked. 

"I thought I cut ties with you?" he asked. The female sighed. She sat next to him.

"Your cuts are bad. I'll put ointment on them." She said grabbing the ointment from her pocket. She was about to put some on his face but he backed up.

"why are you acting like you care?" He asked standing up.

"because I do y/n." she replied

"If you cared then why do that to Hanni?"

"You fucking knew yeonjun killed my mom too." Y/n said in frustration. He left the rooftop and grabbed his stuff from the classroom.

He left the room and left the school. His friends watched him leave.

"I'll go follow him." Minho said grabbing his stuff. The other friends got up as well and followed. They ended up following him in an alley way with other college kids. They hid behind the wall to watch the whole thing. Y/n put his backpack on the floor.

"so you're seo y/n?" one of the college students asked. He nodded

"wow, you look like a complete nerd with those glasses, well I'm park jongseong. Just call me Jay." He said.

"let's make a deal, if you win, I'll leave your girlfriend alone. If I win, you'll be my servant." He said putting his hand out for a handshake for the deal. Y/n shook hands with him. Y/n was squeezing his hands and Jay looked at him coldly. Jay took y/ns fake glasses and snapped them in half. Y/n smirked and punched jay.

"ah shit, you're an undercover nerd huh? Can't you talk?" Jay asked looking at the blood from the cut on his lip.

"I guess you could say that." Y/n replied shrugging

"wow, i never knew mr goody 2 shoes can speak. Jay said laughing.

"wooyoung get him." Jay demanded to his friend. Wooyoung ran to y/n and punched him. Y/n punched back and ended up knocking out wooyoung. 

"useless bastard.." Jay whispered to himself. Him and Y/n were fighting each other and a gang came.

"you 2 boys stop before I fire you both!" The strange gangster man said. None of them heard the man but they heard 2 bangs. One was to Jay then the other was to Y/n. Y/n touched his stomach only to see blood. Y/n laughed at himself while Jay was laughing as well. Hanni covered her mouth so none of them can hear her and the friends. She silently cried watching y/n.

"holy shit, you messed up big time dude.. That's seo y/n.. the son.." One of the guys said.

"oh shit no no no." the man said running back to the car. Once the guys left Hanni ran to y/n.

"no no no y/n wake up please please.." Hanni said tapping y/ns face. His eyes opened to see tears stream down Hanni's face.

"hanni..?" Y/n asked while his voice was shaking.

"don't talk you'll waste your energy y/n.." Hanni said holding his hand. Minho went through his backpack to find tissues. He gave the tissues to sunghoon to help Jay as well. Wonyoung and Hyunjin grabbed Hanni out the way. Minho was covering Y/ns wound trying as hard as he could. Eventually help came and Minho was still holding the tissues down on the wound same as sunghoon. Minho and Sunghoon backed away watching the paramedics.

"are you his guardian?" the paramedic asked Minho.

"n-no I'm his brother.." Minho responded.

"We'll contact you right away if we have anything to update you on." The paramedic said. Minho bowed at him as a way to say thank you.

"wait wait let me just recall this, you're y/ns brother?" Jake asked. Minho nodded.

"wait you're pyeong-chan?" jake asked again

"you could say that." Minho replied wiping the blood away.

"wait actually!?"

"nah I'm joking. I'm his step." Minho said laughing at Jake's shocked face.

"hanni it wasn't your fault." Wonyoung said comforting her friend.

"yes it was, If I was never near Y/n then non of the college kids would've stabbed me and He wouldn't try to kill them for me!" Hanni said sobbing in wonyoungs arms.

Few days passed and Hanni has been staying with Y/n in the hospital. The friends would visit often.

While his friends were at school, Minho would always glare at yeonjun.

"hey cat face, why do you keep glaring at me?" yeonjun asked scoffing. He walked over to Minho with his friends.

"because you're a fucking murderer." Minho replied

"sorry? a murderer?" Yeonjun asked.

"yes dipshit. I said a murderer." yeonjun lifted minho holding onto his collar of his shirt.

Yeonjun punched him. Minho didn't let it slide and punched him back.

"you're the fucking reason y/ns dead. because of your shitty friend!" Minho yelled while punching yeonjuns face. Yeonjun eventually punched back

"it isn't my fucking fault he's so fucking protective. Tell him to get a fucking life!" yeonjun yelled back. The 2 got separated by the teacher and the students. 

(1158 words)

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