chapter 13 (???)

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y/n pov

It's been awhile since I was in the hospital, turns out my dad is alive?  I woke up and got ready for school. Hanni wasn't in her room so I assumed she was already at school.

I walked to school and heard someone call my name. I turned around only to see hanni running towards me. She ran and hugged me.

"what? are you getting chased?" I asked looking down at her.

"no? I'm just happy you're back. Yeonjun and his friends got expelled by the way." Hanni told me smiling.

"That's good to hear love."

"I know, now we're both safe!" she said celebrating. I watched her skip along celebrating our safety. I laughed and caught up to her. I ran to her picking her up and running the the school.

"ahh!! Y/n put me down that tickles!!" she said laughing fighting me to put her down.

"the love birds are back." Minho complained.

"y/n, the principal is calling us into her office again." Chaewon said with a worried look. I nodded and put Hanni back down.

"I'll be back." I told them departing from the group. I followed chaewon into the office and saw her parents there, again. Chaewon and I sat down in the seats and waited until Mrs. Lee spoke.

"ahem.. Mr. Seo we are expected for you to transfer schools.." Mrs. Lee spoke which led me and chaewon shocked.

"why him??" Chaewon asked out loud.

"after we heard what happened to you and Ms. Pham, we decided to transfer one of you. Since you, Mr. Seo know everyone who attacked Ms. Pham we have decided you should go so you won't be attacked anymore." She reasoned out. I glanced at chaewon's parents and saw them smirking.

"Mrs. Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Kim have something to do with this correct?" I asked her as they glared at me.

"well, they wanted you to be safe and protected at your new school." She said clearing her throat.

"safe? I could protect myself thank you. Why the hell are they interfering  into my life when they have a daughter already to watch for? This is because I have a 'gangster' dad isn't." I glared towards the parents.

"yes it is kid, we're trying to protect the sc-" Mr. Kim spoke up.

"protect the school? What in fuck's sake could my dad do about this school? All he gives a shit about is his gang. Plus, I wasn't even the one to hurt Hanni Pham. I was the one who protected her, am I wrong sir?" I spoke back to Mr. Kim.

"I thought your parents taught you manners, who told you to speak back to your elders?" Mrs. Kim backed up her husband.

"well miss, I don't have parents either way. I do have formal manners but right now I do not. I have a choice to speak up for my own decisions. May I remind you, part of your manners is not to butt into other kids lives?" I replied to Mrs. Kim.

"y/n stop-" chaewon tried cutting the argument off.

"I should stop? tell your mom and dad to stop. If you wanted me to transfer then tell me that instead of bringing my sister into this shit." I said grabbing my back.

"she is no longer your sister you should know that young man." Mrs. Kim got onto my nerves.

"she is by blood, and you aren't her parents by blood either. So she's also the daughter of Mr. Seo." I said exiting the room.

I walked down the corridor and walked past my classroom. I guess my friends noticed me not entering the class room and got confused.













Hanni Pham Pov

I noticed Y/n not coming in the classroom, instead he walked right past it. Hyunjin decided to speak up first since he likes to ask questions.

"Ms. Park, why is y/n not coming in the classroom at this time?" Hyunjin raised his hand.

"well hyunjin, Someone's parents has complained about something specific and Mrs. Lee only had the choice to make him transfer schools. So we might be getting a new student or we'll just have an extra seat through the school year." Ms. park replied which made the whole class mumble and start spreading rumors. I glanced at Minho and saw him sighing in disappointment.









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