chapter 11 (seekers revenge)

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Third person

Hanni and Y/n came to school after 3 days of missing out. The classmates found it strange. 

"yah, seo y/n why weren't you here?" Kazuha asked

"I didn't feel like it." y/n said putting his backpack down.

"then why wasn't Hanni here either? Don't you live together?" Yunjin asked. Y/n just glared at her but usually his eyes would soften. 

"what the- Y/n glaring at yunjin? did she do something wrong?" Kazuha asked confused. Wonyoung looked at Y/ns friends and looked back at y/n talking to the 2.

"you told him, didn't you?" wonyoung whispered to hyunjin. He nodded. Hyunjin showed her the messages from the group chat. She sighed

"yunjin I need to talk to you after class." wonyoung said. Yunjin nodded. Ever 3 minutes passed and y/n would look at Hanni to make sure she was fine. The bell rang and the guys left to buy snacks.

"what'd you need to ask me?" yunjin asked. Wonyoung sat in the desk closer to them

"y/n knows. Y/n knows you planned the stab." wonyoung said. Yunjins heart dropped. She clenched her fist and she glared at Hanni. Yunjin walked over to Hannis desk and slammed her hand on it.

"are you out of your mind? You told y/n didn't you." Yunjin asked. Hanni looked up at yunjin with a dead stare.

" no, I guess your boyfriend is a good detective." Hanni said.

"yah- do you want to die?" Yunjin asked raising a fist.

"hey huh yunjin, back up from her." a male voice said. She glanced over and saw Y/n with his friends. She earned a glare from all of them. Hanni smirked. 

Y/n grabbed Yunjins wrist and brought her in the corridor.

"I don't think we can be friends anymore." y/n said. Yunjin crossed her arms and scoffed.

"is this about the night at jeju?" yunjin asked.

"no. It's about Hanni." y/n said. 

"why should you care about her, she's your ex isn't she?" yunjin asked.

"It's my love life yunjin, shouldn't you worry on your own?" y/n asked.

"well why should she get between our friendship?"

"because of your plan. They told me everything." y/n took his hands out his pocket and grabbed his phone to show her a screenshot of the messages.

"you don't have full evidence that's actually me-"

"who else is Huh Yunjin in Saesam Highschool?" y/n asked. Yunjin rolled her eyes.

"So you're just going to dump everything we had?" Y/n nodded to her response.

"you shouldn't even be with her, it was your plan to marry me ever since we were kids!" yunjin yelled

"well we were kids right? I changed my mind about that, I'm only following my mom's wish." Y/n said. He walked back in the classroom. He put Hanni's favorite snack on her desk and her face lit up. She mouthed "thank you" and received a smile from y/n.

"oh no, seo y/n is too in love again. When has he ever smiled like that!?" sunghoon asked holding his head.

"if he smiles too much his head will explode!" Hyunjin said shaking y/n.

"what the- let me explode. I'll be fine if I explode because I'm smiling too much, I'm smiling at Hanni anyways." Y/n smiled. His friends gagged and him and Minho were laughing.

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