Stapoldy (Stapy x Foldy)

51 1 9

This ship was actually in fact recommended by somebody for once! As I promised back in the Important Information chapter, I'll keep the name of the recommender anonymous unless if they specify that they don't want to have their identity hidden. You don't know how joyous I am right now. This is the start of a great future of this book, but not such a great amount of impact towards my digital footprint.

BUT THIS RUINED THE TRADITION OF USING THAT PIECE OF ARTWORK THAT HAS SIX DIFFERENT SHIPS LISTED, I WAS HALF OF THE WAY DONE WITH IT AND THE LAST THREE I HAD TO DO WERE GOING TO BE SO FUN TO TYPE OUT! Nothing harsh towards the recommender, this is kind of a joke, but I was pretty surprised that the streak managed to end in the middle of it (if I did finish all of the ships in the image without anybody recommending any ships, then I would've just used random ship art I find on my Pinterest feed as an inspiration, or just use a ship generator on SCRATCH)

One last thing before I rate the ship, as sticking to tradition for all of my books, this chapter's banner once again has nothing to do with the chapter at all. If you can't see it, it's a very cursed image of a baby smiling with its teeth as it's gums. It kind of just looks like a mouthguard used in sports, which thinking of that makes the cursed levels go down, but it's still considered to be a cursed image in my book. This is, in fact, my book.

Now the part you've been waiting for, or you just scrolled down because you don't want to read my long essay (practicing for school, eh?), I rate this ship a 10/10. I rated it a perfect score because (no not to make the recommender scream and jump up and down, although they most likely will (no offense, just playing around and please laugh with me)) throughout the 8 episodes and few minutes they had together (and the number of times Foldy has reminisced about their times together, which also makes the ship automatically get a good score), they were shown to be on perfect terms with each other. Not going to lie, I kind of felt bad for Foldy after she lost the only thing that was making her be a character, and then she proceeds to became one of the most boring characters in the series just because of an elimination. Honestly, when I first watched BFB 9, I was pretty disappointed in the viewers for eliminating the one who was trying to help out the team. Also, I did feel bad for Stapy, too, as we didn't get to know him that well. 

For example (of them being on perfect terms with each other, not how the characters in the ship being robbed), in several episodes, they would literally play rock paper scissors with each other every single breathing moment they had with each other. Although this sounds pretty stupid, playing rock paper scissors as a past time and not to determine who does what is the definition of having a good bond with somebody. It shows empathy for one another, loyalty (not giving up entirely on life after losing a single match that lasts for not even a few seconds and abandoning the person, and wit, too), honor, compassion, and respect. There are many reasons to why playing rock paper scissors as a past time means a good bond, but if I type that out, then the chapter will get too long and nobody would want to read it, so I shortened it, a bit too much.

Source:, the article isn't on the front page, so you'll have to search for it.

Okay but seriously, in BFB 1, Foldy begs and gets on her knees for Stapy to join her team, most likely because of their mutual hatred towards Liy (I'm still very curious on what she did that was so bad for 2 people to dislike her and form a rivalry with them, and those 2 people also got somebody else to dislike her, but this is going offtopic), and he accepts, and then they start the rock paper scissors trope. A very major arc in the show.

Also, this is very major for these two. When Stapy was eliminated back in BFB 9, he specifically requests Puffball to save Foldy's (and Bell's but none of us here care about her) because they were dead and as a way to say goodbye. Nothing happens with these two during the rest of the episode.

The next episode, when Four comes back (more like being resurrected from the dead by The Losers), HECKING CLOCK SNITCHES (still don't know how and why bro died) ON THE ELIMINATED CONTESTANTS tO BE OFFICIALLY ELIMINATED (I mean, it really wasn't snitching, just how the game works, but who cares), so Four does so, goes in order, and when it was Stapy's turn, he pleaded to say his final goodbye to Foldy, but Four refuses this request.

Foldy didn't know about this for a bit, until Eraser told her, and then she started to hate iance for accusing them of cheating in BFB 8 (which it was).

Nothing happened with them until later on, in BFB 16, when Stapy (and all of the other Exitors) were trying to escape, thanks to Spongy, Four kept trying to suck them back in (don't take this wrong, please), and when he got close to getting them back in, Stapy yelled for Foldy to help, but she just stood there and watched her best friend get bought into the EXIT for the first time. She lost him, again.

Not that long later, in TPOT 1, when Foldy hears about Tapey, the recommended contestant, she mishears it as "Stapy" and gets her hopes up about it, but then Basketball reassures her about it, and then she turns emo. 

Personally, I think if she wasn't eliminated in TPOT 3, then she will probably yearn for Stapy to come back for her time there, and when her team would ever try to do a challenge, she would probably just sit there and get angry at all of her teammates, similar to TPOT 2. I don't think much would go on for her, sorry not sorry. Which would probably lead her to be eliminated in TPOT 6.

Speaking of TPOT 6, before the elimination ceremony (or during it, before she would be announced to be eliminated), she would probably run to Four and X and ask them about Stapy, or beg for them to bring him back, or for her to see him again, since everybody was going crazy about them.

Cheese is priced, this chapter is 1129 words long. I didn't intend for it to be this long, which is almost 400 words longer than the previous longest chapter. Prepare for future chapters, because I still have some major/popular ships to do, and those will probably get pretty wordy, similar to this one.

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