Tengolf (Tennis Ball x Golf Ball)

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Oh wow, there's no weird lengthy introduction to this chapter. How surprising. No interruption? Keep on reading buddy. (Don't ask what the heck this is and why I wrote it. It's just making fun of how I usually organize this book and my other ones)

This ship was recommended by absolutely nobody, as I'm finally using that very certain unnamed unknown image for reference again. If I didn't do this sooner, then I'm pretty sure somebody who has this ship as their OTP (not making fun of you like how I did to myself, I completely understand having OTPs,)

Surprisingly, judging by my past, I rate this ship a 3/10. If I was writing this chapter back in 2022 or early 2023, I would've probably given it a perfect score, and probably would've phrased it with a bunch of unnecessary zeroes that make it completely dramatized. It was my OTP and hyperfixtation. I was obsessed with these two. But, as more and more episodes of TPOT got released and I got further into the fandom (and became more sophisticated as my eyes opened more) in that amount of time, I realized.

I give this ship that low of a rating because of how Tennis Ball acts towards Golf Ball. Tennis Ball can't even function properly without her, a prime example of this is in TPOT 7 and 8 (although he was better in 8 than 7, but he did still have that cling) and many other episodes. Golf Ball doesn't even care about him one bit, as Tennis Ball did claim that Golf Ball did just use him as a tool in TPOT 8. That is confirmed to be true, as it's pretty obvious judging their interactions. There's too much proof of Golf Ball just using Tennis Ball to list on here, and if I do, the chapter will be an entire book long, like the Nonexisty x Nonexisty x Nonexisty one.

I would've been just fine with this ship if we're talking about season 1, as they were actually friends then and they both cared for each other equally, as Golf Ball literally said that they were a duo and they had silly interactions with each other, like the low five thing. If Golf Ball truly cared about him later in the series, then she would've bought up the duo thing embedded on her. Or, this probably wouldn't happen, but them doing the low five thing again just as a reference to the past.

In BFDIA, they still were kind of fine with each other in my opinion. However, also in my opinion, they were also starting to distance apart, as Tennis Ball's cling was starting to show and Golf Ball getting her way through things, although she always kind of had that. Like in BFDIA 7, Tennis Ball barely helped Fries to build the WTF and wasted time worrying about Golf Ball, but it was pretty understandable, as well, she was glued to a tree, but he should've at least helped out Fries gather the materials, instead of forcing him to do it by himself, to get the challenge done faster so their elimination area could've at least been more sturdy and well-built than what it is. And Tennis Ball was still worried about Golf Ball in BFDIA 8, although she was just fine.

 You might think I'm just looking at the bad between these two, but it all adds up in the latest episode of TPOT, which is the end of the timeline in the time I'm writing this, and it's TPOT 9.

There's nothing I can think of for them in IDFB that really happened, except for Tennis Ball going along with Golf Ball into the science museum with her, although he was uneasy about it. Yeah no, not nothing major.

In BFB, a lot of stuff happened. They were all mostly minor things, but most majorly in BFB 14 where Golf Ball said, while iance was right underneath her, "Is it just me, or is it getting warm in here?" and Tennis Ball gets extremely flustered, thinking she's flirting with him. That's one of the positive things that happened between them, but it's mostly just one-sided.

One of the minor things that happened that I mentioned, because A Better Name Than That was pretty much robbed in BFB because of 8-Ball intentionally going (just a theory but I'm pretty sure it was intentional for him to go in BFB 8, as it was literally the 8th episode, and he was acting like a jerk to his team in previous episodes. I'm also pretty sure almost everybody in the fandom can agree with this statement) and thus, had nothing happen, but one of the things that did happen during their prime time was in BFB 2, where Golf Ball only worries for herself and begs Tennis Ball to sToP their teammates from making 8-Ball the leader. Personally, I think this could've been approached in a much better way, such as Golf Ball and Tennis Ball working together to make a comeback, but it is what it is.

Oh yeah, don't forget about that stupid scene where they wiggled their eyebrows at each other in BFB 7 (I believe it was that, correct me if I'm wrong)

Nothing happens with them until TPOT, which is for the exact same reason as I stated in that chunky paragraph above. Okay so basically in TPOT 1, Golf Ball sort of gets disappointed in Tennis Ball for a small error that he did, but it's short lasted as she accepts him into the team that Tennis Ball specifically asked Golf Ball to form. I highly doubt Golf Ball would've asked him first. And then she proceeds to say that Tennis Ball's a loyal friend to her, which is true, but she doesn't even treat him that way back.

In TPOT 4, I don't know if this moment is really a positive or negative, but during the challenge, Golf Ball rants about what the Davids could do to their funny plant if provoked, and Tennis Ball finishes her sentence for no reason at all, and Eraser teases them about it. Golf Ball doesn't even say anything to Tennis Ball mentioning it, but it's probably better. 

In TPOT 5, I'm pretty sure we all know what happened. Golf Ball starts bickering with Pen, which eventually leads to them fighting in their bubbles, and Tennis Ball joins in to get in front of Golf Ball and shove Pen away, saying "Don't hit Golf Ball like that!", and Golf Ball doesn't even acknowledge it or thank him and just continues bickering with Pen. Depressing.

Not much happened with them in TPOT 6, but this episode did start an arc of Golf Ball not even considering Tennis Ball as a person and going over to Puff Ball instead to do some trolling that Golf Ball used to hate. Yeah no, that arc was rushed, and maybe it was intended to rush as Puff Ball did get eliminated (sorry for you fellas who didn't watch the latest episode), although vote to save is very unpredictable. This is going very off-topic.

Continuing this strange friendship that came out of nowhere, in TPOT 7, at least Tennis Ball gets some company by Pen, Eraser, and kind of TV (still love you) while Golf Ball and Puff Ball smack lips with each other. (LMAO I HATE HOW I PHRASED IT THAT WAY CRYING SO HARD RIGHT NOW) But that wasn't just Golf Ball's decision to run off with Puff Ball, TV actually did tell her to do it, and since the team knows Puff Ball well, they paired them together. So, you could say this rushed arc was also the team's fault without considering Tennis Ball, but it's probably better.

In TPOT 8, at the start of the challenge, Tennis Ball asks Golf Ball something about the plan to have two people leave, Golf Ball doesn't say anything to him and just hops onto Puff Ball to smack lips and torment Death PACT Again. (Yeah no I don't ship them) Tennis Ball goes emo over this, but is conditioned by Pen, saying that he can hang out with him.

But however, in TPOT 9, since Puff Ball is gone, Golf Ball and Tennis Ball act like they're on normal terms again? Except for the fact that Golf Ball uses Tennis Ball for the challenge, but he doesn't mention anything about Puff Ball. Sam Thornberry's writing is good, but he needs to remember the arcs going on.

Imagine if I look back at this book one day and wonder what the hell I was doing with my life at this time

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