Chapter One: Two Boys, a Skull, and the Biscuit Rule

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The café mixed with the grocer that Charlotte was sitting in was starting to clean up to close. Charlotte was busy crossing out the clippings of the Agencies that she had visited hoping to get into but was denied every time. Some had even slammed the door straight into her face when told she didn't have parental permission. Finally pulling herself out of her state of concentration, Charlotte looked up at the sign that was mandatory in every public building in the United Kingdom. Curfew was in a half hour and she still had nowhere to go. She realised she probably should have taken that flyer the lady at the train station was trying to give her about the safe shelters in London. Charlotte felt discouraged and considered giving up, but then she flicked to the last page in her book and saw the final clipping she had stuck into her book earlier that morning on the train. It read:

Lockwood and Co.

The prestigious Psychical investigations agency requires a new Junior field operative, Duties will include on-site analysis of reported hauntings and the containment of same.

The successful applicant will be SENSITIVE to supernatural phenomena, well dressed, preferably female, and NOT above sixteen years of age.

UNSUCCESSFUL APPLICANTS will include time wasters, fraudsters, and persons with criminal records.

Apply in writing to 35 Portland Row, London

Charlotte looked down at the clothes she was wearing. She was wearing a set of overalls that were cuffed at the bottom and was wearing a cropped purple and white tie-dyed jumper. Her curly blonde had been messily tied into two braids that she could easily cover with her cap. Her purple high-top Converse adorned her feet with the tops of her frilly socks sticking out over the top. She shrugged assuming she was "well dressed", and she quickly chucked everything into her open rucksack before grabbing all her bags. She kept out her book with the clipping in it and made her way to the front counter to pay for her tea.

"How can I help you?" The man asked at the front counter.

"I just had the tea thanks." Charlotte said.

"3 pounds." She reached into her purse to pull out a fiver. She handed over the note and was handed back the change. "Is that all?"

"Actually can you tell me how far away this address is?" Charlotte held up the book and pointed at the address at the bottom of the advertisement.

"Oh, sure. It's just down the street about a five-minute walk. I send them food every now and then when they ring up. Nice boys they are." The man said. "You best hurry. Curfew is in a half hour."

"Thank you so much, sir." Charlotte placed the change in her purse before sliding it into her back pocket. The man gave her a nod before returning to closing up his shop. The bell on the door jingled as Charlotte opened it. A quick blast of cold air came through the shop before she closed the door and started to make her way to 35 Portland Row. It looked like a townhouse, similar to the ones surrounding it. Charlotte looked both ways before crossing the road over to the house. There was a sign on the fence that she glanced at briefly before stepping up to the door. She reached the top step and quickly smoothed out her flyaways before she pressed the doorbell. She could hear some muffled footsteps coming from the house and she took a deep breath in to calm her racing heart. This was her last option. If they didn't accept her then surely she would have to try and quickly find a place to stay before curfew. The door swung open to reveal a boy around her age. He had some unruly curly hair and his face sported roundish black glasses. He was wearing a red shirt with a dark red flannel on top. His trousers were black and Charlotte noticed that he only seemed to be wearing socks. She didn't judge him. He probably lived here.

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