Chapter 1: No Longer on Mars

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Reappearing, two electrical chains shot out in the containment field and wrapped around two of his wrist, holding him tightly. Bawling both hands to a fist he fights against the chains as they pull him up. However, this attempt was futile as they only tightened. Before he could struggle anymore, he paused and became alarmed as he heard metal clanking on metal.

Said clanking drew his attention up towards the bridge. A tall mechanoid stride slowly towards him with its head held high, clapping his mechanical hands together once it reached him. The man's eyes narrowed into slits as he watched his former acquaintance come closer.

"You've won - it's over. You stopped the invasion and closed the portal," Samuel said, standing before him but keeping a safe distance. He gave a quick glance before returning his gaze back down to the Slayer. "But it's come at a price - Argent, VEGA, this entire operation. You see, I've watched you work, come to understand your motivation." He continued talking. "You think the only way is to kill them all, nothing behind, and you may be right. But we can't just shut it all down. Without Argent Energy, it will be worse. I can't expect you to agree."

One mechanical hand raised. Violently it shook, telepathically snatching the artifact from the Slayer's grasp.

"But with this we can continue our work."

The Slayer's eyes narrowed more as he stared intently at Samuel, rage swelling inside of him.

Samuel continued. "I am not the villain of this story. I do what I do because there is no choice."

"Re-routing tether coordinates... Complete."

The computer system announced. The power supply to the energy field was fully restored and it began to dissipate. Samuel stood there proudly staring at the countdown on the teleporter.

"Our time is up." He looked down at the Slayer, seeing him still restrained, struggling to break free of his bonds as he spoke. "I can't kill you - but I won't have you standing in our way," Samuel declared. Shooting out from the handle a bright crimson blade, pulsing with unrefined energies of Hell, decorated carelessly with the arcane symbols of Hell itself. "Until we see each other again."

Samuel Hayden turned away, starting forward to the bridge with the Crucible, leaving the trapped Slayer alone, chained to the containment field. As Samuel disappeared behind the doors, the Slayer's eyes darted to the floor noticing a tiny spark cyan energy. Then another spark appeared on the ground. And another. And another until the whole pad below him glowed bright.

They began to shift, moving this way and that in a slow, almost hypnotic motion. Even as the Slayer watched, they began to move faster and faster until they were nothing but lines of white in his vision. Soon enough, he was surrounded in a cyan aura. Within moments, he lost sight of everything around him. All sounds had ceased; he could no longer hear anything except for his own breathing and heartbeat. In an instant, his body was enveloped in an explosion of light.


The Doom Slayer's eyes blinked, facing the sky above. But said sky was not what left him puzzled. It wasn't blue like usual. No, it was a mix of two colors. One, being crimson; a crimson shade so bright, the Slayer thought, that the very light seemed to have been sucked into his eyes. Then, the second was purple. Purple was so intense, that it almost seemed alive. This color swirled together in a spiral shape, slowly spinning round and round until they blended perfectly.

He had to admit it looked beautiful. But that didn't drive away one issue. How did he get here? Where was he? He was certain of one thing. He's not back on mars, nor Hell, not even on earth. So where was he?

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