Chapter 11: Allies From The Shadows

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Being a galactic soldier in the military is a privilege, a position of power. Not that it's always easy to tell what's actually an "enlistment" and what's not. It certainly feels like one sometimes - especially when you're a kid who hasn't even made your first kill yet and are trying to learn the ropes, as if your life weren't already in danger.

But then there are the times when they'll look at you with those dead eyes and tell you you're good, you have potential, and you can start serving in the ranks after this mission. Sometimes you'll be called by one of the generals or admirals or something fancy like that, because they know you were part of the original unit and you know some stuff. They might even make you one of their own. And while the idea makes sense, it makes your heart pound in fear, for all the reasons why.

And Dinrew doesn't do well being afraid. Being scared of the unknown. He's been doing pretty damn well for years now. Well enough, anyway.

Due to his accomplishments through the ranks, the general had given him special missions to his interest, among them were conquering planet Arus. The Arusians, though nomadic and poor, weren't really a threat to the Empire, but they could be useful. And he did it well with excellence and diligence. That alone should convince everyone that he's a soldier to be reckoned with and feared.

Well, not as much as the Emperor that Dinrew serves under. The Emperor is known by all as Frieza and Cooler's cousin in more than one way, from his calm composure and terrifying reputation, to his ruthless ambition and unending quest to rule over every star system within a hundred lightyears' radius. There were rumors that he was two times stronger then even Frieza, but those were just idle whispers amongst soldiers on both sides. The fact that they don't dare speak anything out loud only adds credibility and credence to that rumor.

The Emperor knows how to hold his own. He can be as cruel as a tiger and as cunning as a fox. Everyone knows that. But he also respects the men around him, as a leader ought to. He was born into the Imperial family and grew up surrounded by nobles who raised him to be the Emperor he is today, and his name was Crimlet.

Dinrew watched with pity as Emperor Crimlet's right hand gripped the neck of the young man kneeling before him and crushed it between his palms until the bones snapped. Blood sprayed all around the throne room, drenching the floor in gold as if it were raining and gore onto the palace walls.

Dinrew's stomach turned and he gagged. It wasn't just the blood. It was everything that followed.

He heard screams as people tried to escape but couldn't, and he saw civilians running away from his troops while others cowered in the corners. The air was thick with the smell of burning flesh and the clanking sound of metal as bodies collapsed to the ground.

Dinrew turned his gaze back to Crimlet, whose expression remained stony despite the chaos. If one saw him for the first time, they would've mistaken him as King Cold but with a few differences. For starters, his deep colored lips and two horns protruding from his skull. Unlike Frieza and Cooler who were mostly purple or pink in color, Crimlet was all crimson and there were red areas as well. His snake-like tail swished behind him, keeping balance as he stood. His eyes were slanted and he wore black armor with dark purple shoulder pads out to the sides, and wore a scouter with a scarlet screen.

"Y-You killed my son!" Dinrew heard the father shout, turning away from Crimlet and seeing the father holding the lifeless corpse in his arms. "How could you do this?!"

Crimlet crossed his arms. "Did you not hear me? I simply told him to surrender this planet to me and he and his people would've lived. But, no, the fool refused. So here I am." The Emperor stepped forward, and the people backed up again. "If your son hadn't been so stubborn and obstinate then he wouldn't be dead now." He rolled his body around, his cape spreading behind him like a halo. "Now, Dinrew. Finish off this vermin and meet me back on my ship." He gestured to the father, his wife, and his children behind him before exiting the throne room with his soldiers marching to his side.

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