Chapter 6: Reign of Doom

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Kolard launched forward to punch one Cold soldier hard across the face as he built an orb of energy in his hands.

It vanished when he received the hit, sending the soldier flying backwards. The soldier's partner tried to throw a punch at Kolard. However, Kolard caught their fist midair. He brought his free hand down, slamming it into their chest. Charging a ball of energy close to said chest and exploded from the soldier's body, throwing them back and crashing onto the ground. Another Cold soldier charged forward. Kolard grabbed him by the collar, lifting him from the ground. With his free hand, he threw the Cold soldier far out from the helipad and into a wall, shattering the building.

The remaining five Cold soldiers all fired energy shots at Kolard. He whirled around deflecting all the shots with the swing of his hand. He spun back around, charging another ball of energy from his right palm. He thrust the ball forward. The ball flew towards the six soldiers in a straight line, colliding into the chest of their leader. Their bodies disintegrated into dust, leaving nothing to remain.

As Kolard stood there in the air staring blankly at the destruction before him, his eyes darted to his left upon seeing another soldier charge towards him. Kolard sidestepped, darting up and ran his knee into his jaw. He howled in pain and anger as he was tossed back, but flipped once and was facing him again, attempting to throw another punch. But Kolard anticipated this.

Kolard quickly spun around and jabbed his elbow into the soldier's face, knocking him back. He dashed in front of the enemy, delivering a punch to his face. This sent the soldier flying back, landing hard on the ground. His attention is diverted when another cold soldier charges towards him, shooting a projectile beam towards Kolard. Kolard deftly dodges the beam, spinning on the spot. He throws a right hook towards the soldier's gut. It connects with the soldier, causing all the breath to leave the soldier's lungs. His eyes widened in terror as blood begins to trickle from the corners of his mouth.

Kolard slowly looms above him. With one swift movement, he kicked the soldier in the neck. Blood spurts from the soldier's mouth, falling to the ground. His body falls limp.

Kolard stands still for a moment, looking down at Salza, Dore, and Neiz who're already blasting off towards him. Aiming with their palms they charged big energy balls at him from several different angles. Kolard easily deflected each shot with his arm and leg.

Neiz lunged towards Kolard. He swung his fist, attempting to hit him in the back. However, Kolard quickly ducked to avoid the blow. Using Neiz' own momentum against him, swinging his other hand down and grabbing Neiz' arms in his fingers. Then using his free hand, Kolard pushed Neiz backwards, sending him tumbling onto the ground. A second later Neiz landed on his stomach, rolling onto his back.

Dore raised his hands, unleashing a barrage of blasts at Kolard from multiple directions. He barely managed to move his head to evade any of the attacks. Suddenly, his eyes widened as he felt his breath leaving his lungs. Looking down he finds Salza's knee digging into his stomach. With a grunt, he threw a punch at him which said punch turned into a heated brawl that trailed along the entire edge of the helipad.

Each knuckle that connected with the other caused a wind-like shockwave to spread outward, creating small ripples in the air. Despite the speed of the punches and kicks, Salza was able to keep Kolard at bay, even if they were exchanging blows like this.

Kolard was thrown backwards landing with his feet on the dirt. Snapping his head up, Salza came diving down with his fist cocked back. In his peripheral vision, Kolard could see Neiz blasting off towards him, rushing his leg up at him. Without thinking, Kolard rolled aside.

Salza's fist hit air as said fist plunged through the ground. Neiz's kick didn't land its mark, causing him to blink in bewilderment and scanned his surroundings. Salza glanced down to where Kolard had been standing just seconds ago. When his eyes darted up to the sky, they widened in surprise as he found Kolard high above him, lifting one hand and aiming it at him. Before Salza could even react, Kolard flung a ball of energy directly at him.

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