Chapter 7: Slayer's Wrath!

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Bardock's hands gripped the ship's steering wheel so hard his knuckles blanched as he tried to focus on his course, and only half heartedly noted that he wasn't sure how long he'd been sitting there, staring into space, but it must've been quite some time. The Saiyans were once again in danger by another threat—Gine was in danger.

"Hold on Gine." Bardock said quietly, closing his eyes. "We're coming."

He had to be quick. Bardock knew how monstrously strong both King Cold and Cooler is—they wouldn't hesitate if they decided to kill all the saiyans, including Gine. Sure, both Cold and Cooler aren't as strong as Frieza but they're still strong enough to overpower any of their subordinates.

They were close to the planet now. Bardock felt knots in his gut. He can see from his seat big lights flashing in front of him, indicating that the battle had already begun. He swallowed the lump that formed at the back of his throat, hoping no one had died yet, but knowing full well that it was a very, very real possibility now.

Bardock steered the ship towards Planet Vegeta. Some of the towers the ship flew by were in flames, but most of them remained standing even though the city had been attacked. There was also a great amount of debris, pieces of broken buildings strewn across the ground. Giant ape size footprints stained said ground in various places, and Bardock deduced that those were likely where one of the saiyans transformed into a great ape.

Everyone except the Slayer blinked, spotting big and small figures from afar and flashes of light.

"Hold on everyone, I'm gonna land this thing." Bardock warned before taking a sharp turn, aiming for the landing zone closest to the battle. As expected the landing was rough. The members in the ship clenched the arms of their seat as the ship stuttered to a halt on the ground, and unbuckled themselves quickly. Getting to their feet they start towards the platform that was the entrance to the ship.

With Bardock taking the lead, they all descended to the platform. The Slayer jumped onto the ground and looked up. Waves of energy shot through the air towards where the Slayer could see from behind the towers. His eyes turned away from the battle when they landed upon a sign next to a building:

Saiya Lab, Area 1

The Slayer starts towards the building. Bardock and his teammates notice his sudden change of direction.

"Hey! Where are you going?" Shugesh called out. The Slayer kept walking, ignoring his calls.

Fasha looked up at the far-away battle behind the towers, pulling away from the battle her gaze lands on the armored warrior's back then turned to Bardock.

"You guys go on ahead. We'll catch up." Fasha told Bardock and her teammates. They nodded in understanding and kicked off into the air towards the fight, which seemed more intense now judging by the lights flashing in every corner of the sky, and the occasional explosions.

Fasha runs after the Slayer, following closely at his side as they entered the building. Walking down the hallway they stopped at two doors that slid open as soon as they approached. Both of them entered, the door sliding shut behind them.

Inside was a big room. Tools splayed on each table scattered around. The Slayer walked over to one of them, picked up a blueprint and mentally commanded his armor to scan it. A large blue hologram appeared in front of him, showing the schematics on the blueprint for the base's construction. A red circle circled one area that had a design sketched out.

The Slayer looked around the room, searching for something particular. Finally, his eyes landed on computers all connected to a giant monitor. In front of it were keyboards and a few screens with colored lines and other markings. The Slayer walked towards the computers, his eyes darting between various different keys. When he found what he was looking for, he typed into the keyboard, "Computer interface detected, enter command."

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