Chapter 9: Two Years Later

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Bardock and Broly were locked in a friendly brawl that trailed along the landscape.

Two years had passed since the Frieza incident. Planet Vegeta was safe once again by the Slayer himself. In fact, it was a miracle that everything had stayed calm ever since then. After the Slayer defeated Frieza, Cooler, and King Cold. King Vegeta made preparations to send troops to hunt down the remains of the Frieza force. Bardock, his teammates, and the Slayer spend much of their free time training and sparring Broly.

Training Broly was harder than most due to his larger stature and his longer reach. With how quickly his body moved, it wasn't surprising how he was so skilled at fighting at such a young age. However this didn't mean that Broly was weak. No, he was Planet Vegeta's strongest warrior and one that even the other elite members were intimidated by.

The times Bardock and his team trained with Broly was of great benefit to them. Bardock was now far stronger than he ever was before. His combat prowess improved tremendously over the past two years. But as strong as he, his teammates, Broly, and everyone else is now. There was one reality they couldn't deny: the Slayer was overwhelmingly powerful.

And that power was something they never could hope to match up against. He wasn't just powerful, he was the incarnation of power. It was a fact that was known to all the Saiyans. But that didn't dissolve their motivation to get stronger. The Slayer, despite being a powerful warrior, still remained respected by both his strength and power. Not the respect of a king. No, not the respect of any commoner. But the respect of someone worthy enough to be considered a true warrior. An idol of the Saiyan race.

At the moment, Bardock and Broly were in a clearing in the woods and he was attempting to teach Broly how to control his power for the one-hundred-&-twentieth time. They had started with standard battle training on the ground and Broly managed to knock Bardock down, then he decided that he was ready for the next step.

For some reason, controlling his rage was a difficult concept for him to grasp; he didn't have the grace for it. However, Bardock knew that once he got the hang of it, he would be unstoppable.

All it took was time.

Broly and Bardock landed on the ground, facing each other. Since they were doing hand to hand combat today, Broly was in his armor. He was given the latest model of a new armor, wearing black boots with white borders and green-striped toes, purple form-fitting pants, and black armbands with white ridges. Initially, he wore a black, long-sleeved, form-fitting shirt as he found the armor too restrictive. He was later given black chest armor with a green midsection and shoulder pads. Broly had to admit that the armor fit his body perfectly, as if designed just for him.

The clock feature on Bardock's Scouter that the Slayer had implanted told him that Broly managed to stay in control of himself for nearly ten minutes. Bardock crossed his arms, his lips forming a smirk.

Over the past year, it had grown easier for Broly to control his anger. While he still snaps and loses control of himself when things don't go in his way in battle, the majority of the time he can hold it in. This was due to the Slayer's guidance; otherwise he wouldn't be able to handle his powers properly, and it would become a disaster. The Slayer and Broly had become close through these sessions, student and teacher.

Not to mention, in order to get Broly strong enough to protect Planet Vegeta from any potential threat, the Slayer gave him additional training, including the important lessons about controlling his anger. Broly responded better to his and Bardock's training when they showed signs of approval rather than shaking their heads when he got things wrong. This year his combat skills had improved; not only in terms of his physical abilities but also his mental capacities. That meant Bardock and Broly could begin training together on more complex tactics.

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