Chapter 4: A Voice Cries for Help

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King Cold sipped his glass of wine. He closed his eyes and let out a sigh, not wanting to open his eyes for a while yet. A feeling progressively overtook him that he didn't like. His fingers tightened around the stem of his drink and he felt the heat rise up from his chest, threatening to burst from it and consume him whole.

Something is wrong.

It had been two days since his beloved son Frieza had last spoken with him. Usually Frieza wouldn't have gone this long without contacting his father. King had tried sending his son messages and even calling him. Nothing. He tried a second time and still nothing. Now he was beginning to worry.

It could be him just being paranoid and all but something about Frieza didn't add up. His first guess would be that something went wrong with his communications or maybe his son's just too busy to call him back. That was more than likely the case since he never calls him unless it's an emergency which isn't exactly a rare occurrence. But if that were the case why haven't they contacted each other before?

King Cold stood from his throne and walked towards the window where he stood there for a while, staring into the void of space. A thought suddenly popped into his head as if by pure coincidence and it made him frown. Maybe Frieza is in trouble.

But... that doesn't make sense. Frieza doesn't need help. At least he hopes not anyway. So what could possibly happen? He nodded to himself and narrowed his eyes, making a quick decision. King Cold returned to his seat, left hand placed onto the arms of the throne and the other holding his glass.

He placed his glass down and began rubbing his thumb against the rim. He took one last look out of the window as the lights of the city faded into view. Staring at it for a moment longer he sighed and stood up.

"Well," King Cold muttered. "Perhaps I should pay my son and the Saiyans a visit. Hmm... wouldn't be a bother for my son for me to invite his brother along the way."


Bardock blinked, finding water around him. His vision blurry for a moment. His nostrils drug in clean air. He looked cross-eyed down the bridge of his nose to see a breathing apparatus stuck to his face.

He turned his attention to everything around him, and saw he was in a tank of some sort. Outside its glass was a room with rounded white walls, and several pieces of machinery, ranging from monitors to what looked like large computer consoles of some kind.

Medical Machine

It was the first words Bardock could think of. His body wasn't in as much pain as it had been when he was last conscious.

Looking around the room, he saw a single Saiyan nurse working on some of the computers near the pod he was being kept in. Bardock could tell he was healed, and he felt stronger than ever. His near death had boosted his power, thanks to his Saiyan blood.

The Saiyan nurse stopped what she was doing to look over at Bardock. She smiled softly when she saw her patient was awake.

"You're awake." She said softly. "Hold on, let me empty the container."

The Saiyan nurse turned back to one of the computers. Punching a few buttons, Bardock watched as the liquid drained out of the container. The hatch popped open and the Saiyan nurse stood before Bardock.

"Hope you enjoyed your little vacation." She said cheerfully. "It sure beats laying around in bed all day."

Bardock blinked, pulling the apparatus off his face. "How... How long was I out?"

"Not that long, about two days. You got pretty lucky though Bardock, the doctors and I thought you might not make it."

The Saiyan nurse pointed at a nearby table. "Your new set of armor and bodysuit are right over there."

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