Chapter 13: The Duplicate

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Bardock and his team were seated together in a sizable crater, which had been formed by the aftermath of their recent battle. As the sun began to rise over the horizon it cast a warm orange glow upon the ground below them creating a serene and picturesque scene. The team members chuckled amongst themselves, relishing in the peacefulness of the moment. It was yet another day of triumph over the fallen Frieza force and they were grateful for the opportunity to bask in the beauty of the morning.

"That was a heck of a party, wasn't it." Torah commented from his place on the other side next to Bardock.

"If you say so, I don't remember any of it." Fasha replied with an equally amused chuckle. Torah smirked at her.

"You're a typical ape, Fasha." He said with a shake of his head. Fasha rolled her eyes.

"Aaah, shut up! I don't see how you guys remember, anyway! It's elephants that aren't supposed to forget, not apes!" She grumbled, crossing her arms in front of her chest as she pouted and stared off into the distance.

"I'm with you, Fasha. To me it's like waking up from a dream. You kind of remember it all but then it just slips away." Borgos added in, taking a bite out of a small chunk of meat he had taken from one of his kills.

"I don't remember much either, but I remember the crusty, little devil that gave me this." Shugesh stated, rubbing his new scar on his arm with his thumb. It had been a nasty little scrape, but it had healed well now.

Fasha grinned.

"Paragu says he remembers everything." She turned to look over at him. Torah chuckled at her.

"Right, don't make me laugh Fasha! Paragu might remember every second of every battle but he remembers nothing of his personal life." Torah retorted, turning to look at Fasha then back to Paragu who laid beside Bardock. "Allow me to demonstrate... Paragu, do you remember what day your son was born?"

He had tan skin and donned the traditional Saiyan armor. The shoulder pads out to the sides with a blue body suit beneath, and his tail wrapped about on his waist. Paragu's most prominent feature is his spiky black-colored hair. His black eyes were sharp and filled with experience and his body was toned and muscular.

Paragu shrugged on the ground. "No, but that was a long time ago." He said. Fasha's grin slightly grew.

"It was not, you lazy bum. Yesterday? Come on! You need to go see the little tike! You have enough time to stop in before our next assignment." Fasha insisted. Paragu clicked his tongue, sitting up from where he had laid down to rest.

"Visit him, huh? How nice. Father-son bonding." Paragu spits the thin stick away. "Why should I? They'll just send him away! What's the use? Tell me that!"

Fasha turned away from Paragu. "Hmmm... Paragu." She was unamused by his attitude. "You're too much."

Shugesh chuckled as a thought came to mind. "Hey, guys... I've been thinking, why is the Doom Slayer always quiet all the time? Is Slayer a shy gerbil behind that shell of a suit or something?"

Bardock shrugged. "Meh, beats me. I guess he's one of those guys who lets his actions speak then spew out meaningless words."

Torah nodded, agreeing with him.

"Yeah, I totally agree! I mean to this day he's still a mystery; and with the get-up he got, you can't help but wonder where he came from, you know? I mean, I've seen many armor from the warriors we've taken out but not the kind he's got.

Paragu smirked.

"I'm at-least glad he took out that freak of an emperor. I couldn't stand serving him!" He spat, looking offended by the idea.

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