Chapter 2: Battle for Planet Vegeta

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Torah stared at the armored man in front of him.

They wore a dark green armor from head to toe. He ran his eyes over the flat, green surface of the armor the man wore, his eyes followed down, finding lighter patches across the man's chest and signs of battle scars on the arms, only deeper, and more brutal. His armor looked battered and worn out. It was obvious that this man had been fighting for quite some time, possibly years. There was no way that this man had come out unscathed and whole.

And yet, he still stood before them, staring at them with a stoic expression. Though when their eyes met, the look softened, the animosity fading away like smoke before a flame.

But the fire persisted; burning, hot and angry. He could see it in his face, see it in his stance as he straightened, his strange weapon falling to as near a relaxed position as he felt it could possibly be. And Torah would say that he was surprised, but he wasn't. Who is this man? Where did he come from? Could he be a Saiyan? No, even if he was, he didn't think he looked much like one. He's not wearing the kind of armor he and his teammates traditionally wore and to top it all off, he doesn't have a tail.

But one note couldn't be denied or ignored; he's extremely, undoubtedly, and terrifyingly strong. Torah had never seen anything even remotely close to what he saw earlier.

His speed, agility, power, ability, durability, everything seemed to match up perfectly with his appearance. Even though there was something about this man that was incredibly unsettling and disturbing. Something in his eyes, maybe the fire that raged inside of him, something in the way that he carried himself... something about it was absolutely, unquestionably, impossible to ignore.

It seemed almost instinctual. Like he's done it thousands of times before, he'd do it again without fail. It didn't take long before he broke the intense stare off, shifting his attention to the bulky Saiyan.

"Hey! You got cotton in your ears buddy?" Shugesh asked impatiently. "I said who the hell are you?"

"Leave him be Shugesh," Torah said, patting the back of Shugesh's back. "He just saved our lives. We owe him one at least."

"Yeah, and we should really save the introductions for later." Fasha cut in. "We need to head back to base. Warn Bardock of what's going on."

Torah turned to his tall companion, nodding in agreement. "Yes, you're right, Fasha. One of their ships shouldn't be too far from here, let's take those and fly back."

"Then let's go." Fasha replied, kicking off from the ground and into the air. Soaring quickly up high into the sky with ease, with Borgos and Shugesh following suit.

Torah turned his gaze towards the armored man once more, his lips slightly forming into a smile. "I really don't know who you are but... Thank you. For saving me, and my friend's life."

The armored man continued to stare impassively at him, showing no change in his blank narrowed gaze.

"You know, you should come with us. We could really use a hand in sending those sorry bastards packing... and maybe Frieza too." Torah added as he turned to the direction to where his comrades had flown off. Before he could kick off after them, a green blur zipped past him accompanied by a gust of wind.

Torah watched as the blur sped off into the distance, disappearing into the horizon. He blinked in surprise, taking a few moments to process what had just happened before chuckling softly under his breath.

"Damn," he murmured. "He's fast..."


He was the Emperor of the universe. None dared question his judgment or his command. He controlled his own imperial army and was feared for his ruthlessness and power. If he wanted something, he took it by force. In short, he was the most powerful individual alive. His name alone caused terror and dread to spread throughout his empire, causing many races to hide within their homes and seek protection under whatever roof they could find. That same terror and dread fueled his lustful desire to conquer the galaxies.

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