Ch. 3

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Present Time: Nyah's POV

I'm in my car otw to my man's house. Cade doesn't know it yet but he's mine. I haven't told him that I wanted him yet but I'm sure I will soon. I know he still thinks I'm crazy because of what happened two years ago but, I can and will change for him. He's my baby.

I pull up to my apartment to go take a quick shower and get myself ready for Cades house. When I'm done I quickly rush to my car to leave. He lives about 6 minutes from me so it doesn't take too much time. While I'm driving I get a call from Zachy😘

"Hey babe, what's up?"

"What did you do to Hailey?" He said slightly annoyed

"Nothing, why?"

"Well I just got home and Hailey hasn't came out yelling at me yet. What did you do?" He asks me

And I busted out laughing. He really has no faith in me. He's smart.

"I did something nice for you so don't worry. Just go in your room I'm sure you'll have a surprise waiting." I say deviously with a chuckle.

"YOU KILLED HER!!! Nyah you're going to prison and I'm calling you're mom right now and she's going to beat your ass." Zach says dramatically and I immediately roll my eyes.

" no cursing, you know I don't like that. No I didn't kill her, just go in and call me in about an hour. I promise it'll be worth it. I'm pulling up at Cades house byeeee mwah mwah." I say and then kiss him through the phone

" you better not be fighting, I think he's having a party so don't do anything crazy." Zach says still sounding upset

" no promises, love you bye"

" love you too, be safe"

Then I hung up, a party huh. I wonder why he didn't invite me. I mean last time I went to one of his parties I beat up 3 girls cause they were talking and touching him. But, I warned them before I did it and no one died.

I pull up at the house and I see lots of cars in the yard. Interesting. I walk up and knock on the door and before the person who opens it says anything I brush past him to go find Cade.

"Where's Cade?" I ask some random guy.

" He's in his room with some girl"

Hmm. I hope he doesn't care about her too much. Imma mess her up. Quick and swiftly I rush upstairs and knock on his door. Waiting. Waiting. Waiting. Then finally.

"Nyah? What are you doing here?" Cade says fixing his shirt and looking at me with a confused expression on his face.

"I don't know, I like to party, what is she doing in there?"

"Nyah don't, just go back down stairs." Cade says and sighs

"No. Where's Asher? He's usually going crazy at a party."

I forgot to mention he lived here too. Oh well.

" his room sick." Cade says slowly

"Why would you...never mind I'm going to go see him. Oh and by the way. Whoever you are in there, as soon as you come out I'm beating on you." Then I turn to Cade

"bye babe"

I walk to Asher's room and open the door. He's in bed watching a movie with no shirt on. I have to admit even when he's sick he looks good.

"Asher, why is Cade having a party while your sick?"
He just shrugs his shoulders, he must be upset because he doesn't feel good and it's loud.

"What's wrong with you?"

"I'm tired and it's loud" he says like he's annoyed.

I know I shouldn't do this because I need to keep a watch on Cade and those women around him but Asher looks extremely tired and I feel bad for him. He's lucky I'm feeling nice today.

"Come on" I say pulling him up.

He groans and says "whatttt"

"We're going to my place, you need some sleep and it's quiet there."

I start packing some of his essential in a Nike bag I see on his desk and then all of a sudden I feel him close behind me. With his crotch on my butt. I should slap him. Then I feel a kiss on my neck. I'm gonna slap him.

"You're so sweet to me." Asher says in a flirty tone

"Get off now you bastard, before I change my mind."
Then I push him away and pack some more.

"You know you want me sweetheart." He says smirking

I despise that name

"Let's go" I rush out his room just in time to see Cade and that lady that was in his room. She's giggling and her hair is messed up. They both have hickeys. I'm gonna hurt her.

"Well well well look who it is" I say laughing to hide my hurt.

"Nyah please don't, just go." My baby says

" I'll go but first" "hey, hoe? This will be your last time seeing him so enjoy it"

"Oh shut up he obviously doesn't want you." The hoe said to me with an attitude.

Well that wasn't very smart on her part.

"Well I tried to be nice Cade but you know I don't like being disresp-
ASHER get your hands off my butt NOW!" I say and then yell at Asher who just laughs.

I didn't even notice he had his hands on my butt caressing it. Pervert. Anyways back to this hoe. I walk up to her and slap her 3 times in a row. She falls on Cade dramatically crying.


"Well now I'll go. Bye babe". I go up to kiss his cheek but Asher pulls me back to him and then down the stairs.

"Kiss me, not him" Asher says and practically growls at me

"Shut up and let's go home" I roll my eyes at him for being so annoying.

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