Ch. 34

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I feel someone tapping my arm
"Miss Nyah can you make me some breakfast?" Lala asks me
"Yeah, give me a second."
I get up and look at the time. 9am

"You wanna go get some McDonald's? I don't feel like cooking. I'll make you some lunch later."


I tell her to put on some shoes and I drive us to the McDonald's that's like 2 minutes from where I live. I order our food and quickly drive back.

"Layla, go ahead and eat so you can get dressed and I can start your hair." I say while taking her food and apple juice out.

While we're eating she asks me a bunch of questions about me and my life. Then she goes to put her clothes on and brush her teeth and I set up to do her hair.

I walk in my room and see that she's sitting on my bed. I go brush my teeth and then tell her to go sit on the chair I put out for her.

"Lala you ready?" I ask her walking out of my room

"Yes I'm excited. What style are you going to do?"

"It's a surprise. Now come sit down."
And with that I start doing her hair which by the way is extremely thick. Leona said she washed it yesterday so I just have to blow dry it.

After I blow dry it she starts asking me more questions

"Miss Nyah are you married?" She asks while I'm braiding her hair

"No, I'm only 21."
"Well do you have a boyfriend?"
"Nah I'm single."
"But you are so pretty."

"Thank you, Lala. Do you have a boyfriend?" I ask her with a chuckle

"YES! His name is Jason and he has dreads. He's in my class." She says excitedly

"Make sure he treats you well okay."
"Okay, Miss Nyah can I watch YouTube on your phone?"
"Yeah here." I say and hand it to get

I'm like an hour and 30 minutes in and I ask her if she wants to take a small break. She says no but asked me if I could get her some juice and a snack. I quickly grab her some fruit snacks and a juice box. The fruit snacks are mine and her mom packed her the juice. Once she gets it I go back to braiding her hair.

"Miss Nyah can I see my hair now." She asks for the 7th time

"No lala you have to wait until I'm done. I'm almost done okay."

"Okay." And she goes back to watching YouTube

About an hour and a half later I'm finally done with her hair and it looks very cute. I spray some oil sheen and I put some hair mousse on it.

"I'm done you can go look now."
She quickly rushes to the bathroom to look at her hair
"I love it!!" She yells and runs to give me a hug

"She quickly rushes to the bathroom to look at her hair"I love it!!" She yells and runs to give me a hug

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*this is the style but imagine it's a little shorter*

It's currently 12 pm so I ask her what she wants for lunch. She just shrugs and continues to look in the mirror at her hair

"Imma make some tacos, you like tacos?"
"Yes ma'am."
"Okay go sit down and watch a movie until I'm done." I say going into the kitchen and start cooking.

"Miss Nyah can we go get some shaved ice?"
"Yeah let me finish cooking first."
I quickly cook up the ground beef and set everything else on the table.

"Lala you can come eat now."
She runs into the kitchen and sits at the table. She must be hungry.

"Can I have soft shells?" She asks before I start making her tacos

"Yes ma'am, what do you want on it?"

"Just meat, cheese, and a little bit of lettuce. Mommy always makes me eat the lettuce." She says with smile

I make her two soft tacos and make myself 4, two crunchy and two soft.

"What flavor of shaved ice do you like?" She asks while eating her taco.

Surprisingly she isn't making a mess
"I like the pink lemonade, what about you?"

"I like green apple and raspberry."

"Those are good too." I say finishing my last taco.

"Lala I'm about to take a quick shower. If you need me just knock on the door."

"Okay." She says
I go to my room leaving the door open and go take a quick shower.

"Miss Nyah, someone named Zach is calling you." She says while standing at my door

"Okay, I'll call him back when I'm dressed."

I get out of the shower and shut my room door. I quickly put on some biker shorts and a tank top.
"You ready?" I ask her
"Yes." She says while putting her crocs on.

We leave my house and I drive to the nearest shaved ice place. She gets green apple and I get pink lemonade. We sit at the tables out side of the place.

"Miss Nyah when is my mommy coming?"

"Well it's almost 3 so she should be back in an hour or so."
"Can we go to the park?"
"Sure but not for too long."

We finish and I drive to the park as soon as we get there she runs to play with some other kids. We can only stay for about 20 minutes.

I ft Zach but I'm not taking my eyes off of her.
"Hey boo." I say

"Why didn't you answer my call earlier?"

"The little girl I'm the nanny for had it."

"Oh okay. Well I wanted to know if you're at coming to Haileys surprise party."

"I am. Why?"

"Cause her mom doesn't like me. She thinks I'm cheating on Hailey with you. No matter what she says to me or you don't react. I don't wanna ruin Haileys birthday." He says with a sigh

"I make no promises but I'll try my best."
"Fine, do you need a ride there?"

"Nah just text me the address and I'll be fine."
"Alright love you bye."
"Love you too."
I let Layla play for a little longer before I tell her we have to go.

As soon as we get in the car Leona calls me.
"Hey girly."
"Hey, I was just calling to tell you that we are about 30 minutes from your place. Also how is my girl?"

"Asleep in my backseat. I made her tacos, took her to get snow cones, and now we are just leaving the park."

"Sounds eventful." She says with a laugh
"Okay I'll see you later."
"Okay bye."
It takes me about 10 minutes to get to my apartment building and Lala is still asleep so I just carry her up and lay her on my couch while I pack up her stuff.

I hear a knock on the door and I see it's Leona.
"Hey come in." I say while moving to the side

She looks at her sleeping daughter and smiles
"Wow you're good."
"Thanks, she loves it."
"Her nails are cute too."
"Thank you. She's a sweetheart, very well mannered."

" thanks Nyah, I'll leave you to the rest of your day." She says while going to wake up Lala.

"Mommy I missed you. I had a lot of fun with miss Nyah today."

"I bet you did now come on."

"Miss Nyah when will I see you again?"

" on Monday when she officially starts." Leona answers for me

We say our goodbyes and now it's time for me to have my fun

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