Ch. 15

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Hey y'all!

Jax starts walking up to us and my heart almost stopped. He is sexy and it looks like he's gotten taller from the last time I seen him. I turn around to face away from the group as soon as he starts getting close to us.

Jax was my crush all through high school. I was in love with him but, he never seemed to notice me. In hs I didn't have many friends and I'll admit I was a little weird looking. I had acne, no sense of style, me and Zach never went to the same school because he was older than me so I didn't have any protection from bullies. I had always been quiet and reserved until one day when this girl name Tamia thought it would be funny to stick gum to my shirt.

Long story short I beat her up so bad she had to go to the hospital. You may think that instantly made me popular but no it made everyone think I was crazy and they were scared of me. Except for one person. But we don't talk about that situation anymore. Anyways Tamia was a lot bigger than me but she couldn't actually fight, no one knew that so when I beat her up people assumed I was just some strong super human.

" who is this?" Jax says from behind me

Please don't say my name and please don't let Jax see my face.

"This is Nyah. She's really funny." Sebastian says as he playfully bumps into my shoulder.

"Why is she turned around? Is something wrong with her?" He says
No bastard, I'm just scared for you to see me up close.

"Man no, Nyah turn around so he can see your beautiful face." Sebastian says

Dang it, I have to turn around.

"Hi. I'm Nyah. Nice to meet you." I say nervously, please don't let him remember me.

" Nyah?" He says and then his eyes start to go down my body and stops at my thighs. He's gonna know, crap he's gonna know. I went to a couple pool parties in hs with this guy and Jax would be there. See I have beauty marks all over my body but I have a couple that are a little bigger. One right beside my belly button, one on my left butt cheek, and one on my right thigh beside my vagina.

"Yeah Nyah." I say lowly

"Didn't we go to school together?" Crap

"Um yeah I think we did."

"WAIT! Is she the same Nyah that beat up big Tamia?" Jaison says laughing
Yeah I'm not gonna flirt with him anymore. Calling her big was rude.

"The very same. Although she does look a lot different now." He says while looking at my body. Maybe I should have kept those shorts on.

"I guess I've changed." I say with a shrug

Then suddenly I hear my phone ringing. I excuse myself to answer it but before I walk away completely I hear Jaison say "was her ass that fat in high school?" And with that I walk further away. It's Zach that's calling me.

"WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!?" Crap he's mad.

"I'm at this table with a couple of friends I made here."

"Bring your ass back. I thought you drowned. Asher is going crazy thinking someone took you." He's annoyed

"Okay imma go say bye and I'm coming."
"Hurry up," he says before hanging up

I walk back to the table

" hey guys I have to go. My friends need me back now. It was nice meeting you all. Jax it was nice seeing you again." I say politely and start to walk away.

Suddenly I feel someone grab my hand. I quickly turn back around to see its Jax.

"Is Zach one of those friends?" He asks
"Yeah, why?"
"Can we come with? I haven't seen him in a while."

Cause he doesn't like you

With that we all walk back towards the beach and my friends. I look to see Asher and Zach arguing, Hailey trying to calm them down, while Cade and Sara are on their chairs ignoring the scene around them. Crap

" okay guys y'all see the one with the long blonde hair and tattoos? Don't look him in the eyes. He's crazy." I say seriously

We walk right up to them and they are all still doing the same thing so I tap Zach on his shoulder to get his attention. Before he can even say anything Asher pulls me into a tight hug while kissing me all over my face.

"Asher get off of me, I'm fine." I say pushing him away a little.

"So Zach you remember Jax from my high school right?"

"What about him."

"Well there he is." I say pointing at Jax

"That's who you went with?"

"No actually Will hit me with his football and then we all started talking and made friends quickly." I sat with pointing at Will

"He hit you and he doesn't have any bruises?" He really has no faith in me

"He apologized immediately, so I was cool." I say proudly, I don't always just pounce on people for no reason

"I see you're still fighting." Jax says poking my side

Yeah and you're still sexy

"Anyways this is Kevin, Jaison, Sebastian, Taylor, and Will." I say with a smile

"Whatever we're about to leave so get your stuff." I guess Zach is still mad at me.

"Hey Nyah you wanna go to the club with us later?" Will asks me

"No!!" Me and Asher say at the same time

"Asher I'm grown I can do what I want." He's so annoying

" okay, I'll just text you later when we are about to leave. You want one of us to pick you up?"

"Yeah, I'll text you my address. See y'all later." The guys start leaving but Jax is still standing there.

"Something wrong?" I ask him

"No it was just really nice to see you again." He says with a smile

"You too." I say softly

Then he pulls me into a sweet hug and walks away. It was really good seeing him. We all start walking back to the house. Well I'm skipping and they are walking. Oh well I'm happy. We get back in and they all sit at the table. I go to walk to my room but, Zach grabs my hands.

"Nyah we don't think you should go out with them." Zach says seriously

"And I care because?"

"It's not safe for you to go out alone."

Here we go, he's always treating me like I'm a baby and I can't control myself.

"Zach I'm going. I hang with y'all almost everyday and no offense but y'all are boring. It's always tense and serious when I'm around y'all. I need to let loose a little. I'm only 21 and y'all are 24 and 25 year olds. I need to be around people closer to my age sometimes. You are always annoyed, Asher is always mad, Cade is always in some weird mood. I don't even like Sara. Hailey is literally the only one here besides me that always seems to be in a good mood and I just started liking her. I am not a child but I am also not some boring adult that only wants to sit around and talk politics or sports. I am going to the club and that's final." I huff and walk to my room and slam the door. I'm sick of being around them.

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