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The Next Day

"So, Zach what do you say about going on vacation this weekend?" I say hoping he'll say yes this time. I've already asked him before and he said he'll think about it

" I mean I guess but you have to promise you won't act crazy. By the way I have something I need to tell you."

Oh no, he knows about Asher. I'm gonna be in so much trouble.

" look Zach I tried to tell him I di-"

"Cade's bringing Sara. I know you think y'all are soulmates but Hailey told me that he really likes her. He plans on asking her to be his girlfriend."

With those words I feel my heartbreak and I start tearing up. Yeah I'm tough but I'm also a crybaby. Right now I wanna choke Sara but, I know I can't. Mostly because she's not around me right now but also because I knew if I did I would not stop until she passed out. Zach would be so disappointed in me, Hailey would start crying and screaming like a crazy person, Cade would hate me. Asher would try to fight Cade because he would know that I still love him. Not a good idea. She will be getting another slap though.

" I don't think I should go with y'all anymore. I won't be able to control myself Zach. I will hurt her and anyone that tries to stop me." I say with tears coming down my face.

"Nyah stop crying right now. All of this was your idea. You are going and that's final. I understand that you are upset but, you can't keep using your anger to disguise your hurt babe. I shouldn't be the only person that knows you cry and have feelings. You are smart, gorgeous, caring and confident. Don't let anyone take that away from you." He says holding my hands and looking into my eyes.

"Don't forget the fact that I have a fatty." I say while sniffing. Trying to make light of the situation.

"And you're the thickest woman I know." He says while rolling his eyes.

"How about you bring someone with you? I mean everyone is going as a couple." He adds

"Even Asher?" I ask

I already know the answer though. Asher's not bringing anyone cause he thinks we're going together.

"Im not sure about that asshole. I don't even know why he's going. I don't like his dumb ass."

I quickly smack his head " don't curse"

"Whatever. All I know is you better not kiss him again. Don't think I forgot about last night. I should beat him up for touching you."-Zach

"I'm a grown woman. I can kiss who I want."

"You're only 21." He deadpans

"Hush, I'm grown. Now what do you wanna do? I'm kinda hungry. Wanna go get some food?"

Translation: you wanna buy me some food?

" no, I'm going out with Hailey. We're going to the mall."

" so, I'm more important. Let's go."

"No, get out."
" please babeeee" I say while going to sit on his lap.

He pushes me off

" you're tactics don't work on me. I've smelled your farts before. Now get out."


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