Wallace's: Minor's

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Danny and Mike, two 16-year-olds, walk into Wallace's Bar, hoping to each get drinks. Wallace, the owner, spots them and walks over saying to them, "Too young to be here, fellas. Turn right around and leave, please!" Danny protests, "We're over twenty-one, sir!" Mike adds, "Yeah, and we have IDs to prove it." They show Wallace their fake IDs, which he examines carefully. Meanwhile, a man named Frankie enters the bar. He is a regular customer and a middle school teacher. He recognizes Danny and Mike as his former students. He greets them, "Hey, what are you two doing in here?" Wallace turns to Frankie and asks, "You know these two?" Frankie nods, "Of course, they were in my seventh-grade science class four years ago. They must be sixteen or seventeen now." He asks Danny and Mike, "What are you two doing in my favorite bar?" Wallace interrupts, "Trying to get me in trouble with these bogus IDs." Danny and Mike realize they are busted and say they are leaving. They hurry out of the bar without their fake IDs. Frankie and Wallace shake their heads and comment on the incident. Frankie says, "They haven't changed at all. They always pulled crazy stunts in my class, but I was smarter than their tricks." Wallace replies, "And they thought they could put one over on me here. What can I get you?" Frankie says, "The usual." They go to the counter and talk some more.

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