The color blue <3 pt.1

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The color blue is the most common color people like...but not Sanemi. He hated can such a dull color be vibrant and lively? How can such a color have such a sad meaning and still be lovely?
It's a color Sanemi hates...yet his classmate Tomioka Giyuu is covered with blue. Blue eyes,blue paints,light blue shirt,black and blue book bag...he's basically the color blue itself.

Nobody in the class knows much about Giyuu he's quiet and calm and doesn't talk to anyone,which is why he's an easy target to bullying, people insult him all the time, making up stories about him and yet he seems not to care..his dull blues eyes always focused on something else outside of the constant insults and bullying. It makes Sanemi feel bad for makes Sanemi feel bad that he's so quiet so calm and collected that he can't just get up and lose his shit at these bullies. But who is he to talk? He himself takes part of it, the constant name calling, the constant insults, the stories, the rumors, the hitting, the pranking...he's all apart of it.

"Sanemi? SANEMI!" Obanai yells at him making Sanemi snap out of his daydream...he takes one more look at Giyuu then finally he looks back to Obanai. "What?" He says. "You keep staring at Mr.loner. Don't tell me you're starting to feel bad for him!"Sanemi eyes widen. "What?! Of course I'm not feeling bad for that freak, he pisses me off...nothing bothers him, nothing gets under his's almost like he's a robot with no feelings whatsoever"

"Okay....??Well, I've finally been making progress with Kanroji! She agreed to go out for coffee!" This is typical Obanai...somehow he always finds a way to sneak that Kanroji girl into their conversations, it's weird...the thought of being in's not something Sanemi understood. No matter how much he sees about it he just doesn't understand can't exactly understand something you never known. Right?

"Why would this Kanroji girl want to go out with you? You're weird as fuck and she doesn't when know what your face looks like!" Sanemi says trying to make this sounds like a joke..

"Kanroji isn't the girl that cares about looks! It's all personality for her. And maybe I'll show her my face when we get to the dating stage...??"
Sanemi grunts to Obanais statement..Obanai alaways hated his face...not that's there's anything wrong with it! He looks perfectly fine to Sanemi, but Obanai was born with a big birth mark on his cheek and he came to dislike it once kids in grade school started to tease him for it..ever since then, he's been wearing a big white mask to cover it up. Of course,no one else but Sanemi knows that...everyone else just assumes he's always sick or something.

"Alright class settle down and get to your seats!" The teacher says to the class...and immediately the conversations die down, the whole class starts to get to their seats. Sanemi stays where he is, he sits exactly next to Obanai so there's no reason to change his seat. Shinobu walks up to her's right next to Giyuu, that's unfortunate.

"Good morning Shinazugawa, good morning Iguro" She says giving one of her familiar smiles.
Sanemi loves her reminds him of her older sister Kanae who he used to have a crush on once when he was a freshman...but he doesn't know what happened, his feelings kinda died down. "Good morning Kocho" Both Sanemi and Obanai say to her, she takes a short bow then turns over to Giyuu. "Good morning Tomioka, how are you doing today? Did you talk to anyone? Hey...hey Tomioka~~" Giyuu ignores her..despite her constant pestering Giyuu stays silent. Shiobu's been trying to start a real conversation with him since forever..but the guy just won't budge. She takes a seat next to him "You know Tomioka...if you talk more maybe people would stop making up all these stories about you!~" She giggles to herself then she pulls out a pencil for the class. Giyuu looks at her but still he doesn't say anything.

"Alright for today's class we will doing some
math problems!" The whole class you blame them?

After grueling hours of math class it's finally break time!

Sanemi and Obanai walks out of the class and into the hallway...they spot no one other than Giyuu putting his stuff in his locker on the phone with someone...looking panicked....thats odd, he's usually quiet and calm. Sanemi shoots a look at Obanai and it's obvious he noticed the weird behavior as well.
Giyuu's POV:

I put my books inside of my locker when I get all call...I check my phone, it's the doctor...they're probably calling me to inform me about my sister's health. My sister Tsutako been sick lately..which added an extra weight to my shoulders. I can't handle this constant pressure..and my situation at school doesn't make my home life any easier. "Hello?" I voice all shaky and nervous. "Hello this is Giyuu correct? I work at the hospital your sister is in!" The lady says, but she sounds sad maybe. "Y-yeah that's she okay? Is she getting better? D-do I need to come down there?" I'm all sister is really the only one I have left. My parents died when I was really young, I don't really have that much Memory of them...and that's what hurts the most, not being able to remember the two people who created you..only being able to know them by stories and pictures, it's not the same as knowing them Personally. And my childhood friend Sabito moved away once I started middle school, we haven't talked since..I guess he forgotten about me.

"Now you don't have to come down here...but I'm sorry to tell you this, but it seems your sister's condition isn't getting any better. She's gonna need to stay in the hospital for maybe another month or two." The lady sounds sad giving me the news...and my word falls apart. "Another month?! How am I supposed to cover the bill for another month! You guys said she'd be better by this week!" My voice is breaking, my hand is shaking, and I'm pacing around the my locker nervously. I barely was able to cover this current bill, how am I gonna cover another month of expensive over priced hospital bills?! "I'm sorry but she needs to stay, otherwise there's a chance she might lose her life..." The lady is trying to console me but it's not working. I hang up the phone trying to push back angry tears. I shove my phone into my pocket. "Fuck.." I mumble quietly to myself. "Fuck!" This time I was a little louder causing people in the hall to stop, stare, and then giggle and whisper. Right..I'm not liked by anyone one likes me and I'm complete alone. A loser is what I am and a loser is what I'll be forever. I walk towards the cafeteria bitting my nails along the way, I walk past Obanai and Sanemi.

"Weirdo" I hear Sanemi whisper quietly, but loud  enough for me to hear. I lower my posture a little bit and I walk Into the cafeteria taking a seat alone.

Sanemi's POV:
Me and Obanai stare at Giyuu as he yells the word "fuck" out loud. It takes both me and Obanai by surprise, he's usually calm and collected, like nothing bothers him...wonder what's got him all worked up. Obanai whispers in my ear..and as Giyuu walks past I mutter the words "freak." He lowers his posture while me and Obanai or busy laughing our asses off.

"Geez...he is so weird." Obanai tells me. I obviously agree with him..Giyuu's behavior is weird everything about him is weird. His weird, hair,his weird dull blue eyes, his weird fashion sense...his weird face....his weird lips... he's just plain weird.

Suddenly all I hear is a big squeaky voice from the hallway, the sound of someone calling out Obanais name. It's Kanroji Mitsuri.

"Iguro!! I'm here! I'm sorry I'm late!" She says while giving him a big hug. "The History teacher made my class stay behind because someone kept making funny noises" She says while smothering him with hugs and kisses. Even though they aren't dating, Mitsuri is oddly affectionate towards him than she is with most people.

"It's okay! I don't mind you being late...wanna go have lunch now? I'm sure you're hungry" Obanai says with his face flushed with red.

"Sure! I don't mind having lunch right now Iguro <3" She hugs him even tighter. Mitsuri is really clingy, not just to Obanai but to everyone she's fond with. She's liked by half of the boys in the grade but she's seems to be oblivious that she's well known and liked. Which is not surprising to me since she's a real air head.

"Alright love-birds ya'll can be all lovey dovey at the lunch table" I say in a playful disgusted tone. Mitsuri's face turns red and Obanai flips me off, and I reply by doing the same.

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