The color blue<3 pt. 4

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Giyuu's POV:
I walk home all by myself. Which is pretty common so I'm not sad about it or anything. As I walk I keep thinking about the small chat me and Sanemi had today at lunch and I feel my face get hot. I'm still upset that the conversation didn't last long, despite it being awkward and kinda weird I did enjoy his company, and i appreciate his efforts in trying to talk to me. Come to think of it, I'm sure he didn't do it willingly. I mean, he does partake in the bullying. Like laughing at me, tripping me, and taking my stuff. It's weird, and I shouldn't be blushing at someone that basically torments me. But I can't help it...he's the first person other than Kocho to talk to me, even if it wasn't something he wanted to do.

I kinda like that.

I walk up to my house and I try to search for my Keys but they're no where to be found. Great. I probably lost it or left it in my locker. I usually misplace things and that's a habit I gotta snap out of. I grab my phone and I call Shinobu. Despite us not being buddy-buddy, we did actually exchange phone numbers. We normally speak to each other for homework and group projects. "Hello? Is anything wrong Tomioka?" Whiles she's talking I hear a bunch of people talking in the background, I guess she's still at the mall with Mitsuri. I tell her all about what happened about me possibly losing or leaving my keys at school and she just laughs. "You gotta keep up with your things Tomioka!" She takes some more time to giggle before she finally gets control of herself. "Alright alright! You can spend the night at my house until you find your keys, or get a new one. My sisters should be home, but if not, there's a key on my front porch hiding inside a fake plant, just use that to get inside alright? Kay byeeeee!!!" And with that she hangs up. I don't mind going over to Shinobu's house since I've been there before. Her sisters are nice but they're kinda loud at times. Kanao is the only one that's really quiet. I heard that Kanae adopted her because she was being abused or something to the sort. And Aoi was adopted because her family got murdered by a family friend. I'm not sure about Sumi, Kiyo, and Naho but despite them looking alike they aren't at all blood related. (Canon)

I finally arrive at Shinobu's house and I ring the door bell. After a few minutes or maybe less Kanae opens the door and greets me. "Sorry but Shinobu isn't here right now if you're looking for her" she says softly. Suddenly her phone rings and I can only assume it's Kocho telling her that I'm staying over. "Oh! Okay Shinobu told me you're staying over for a while, come inside make yourself at home!" I walk in awkwardly. Since me and Shinobu aren't really like... besties it's kinda awkward walking into her house without her accompanying me.

I look around to see Sumi, Naho, and Kiyo playing hide and seek with each other, Aoi is baking, and Kanao is simply reading. I take off my shoes and I kinda just stand there awkwardly.
Kanae turns around and tells me I can go put my stuff into Shinobu's room. I just nod and i walk towards her room. I feel kinda awkward walking into her room without her being there, it feels like I'm invading her privacy. I place my stuff on a chair and I hear light footsteps. I instantly know it's Kanao, she's very light on her feet. It's easy to hear her footsteps if you listen closely enough. "Is anything wrong Kanao?" Kanao is very soft spoken, even around Shinobu and Kanae. They're always making her do small task around the house that involves speaking to people, I assume it's to get her to be less shy. But that's what makes Kanao, Kanao. "'s time to eat..." she speaks very quietly, the only thing I really heard from her was "eat." I guess Kanae and Aoi made dinner. I walk down stairs to see plates of food scatter on the table. The fresh smell of food really gets me hungry. "Here Tomioka you can sit here!" Kanae points me to a chair and I sit down. Aoi, Kanao, Sumi, Naho, and Kiyo also take a seat at the table.

They all beging talking like chatting like a normal family. Only me and Kanao are the quiet ones. I eat my food and my face lights up, I can instantly tell that it was Aoi who cooked this since she always cooks like a professional chef. I think she once told me she wants to open a restaurant one day, if she did I'd be the first one to her grand opening. Everyone is talking and I can't help but feel happy. In fact I was so happy I think I even started to cry a little.

Okay, not a little...but a lot. With my sister sick the only thing I really eat is left overs and Take-out. It's been a while since I had a meal Personally cooked for me to eat, and it's been a while since I was at a chatty dinner table.

Thank goodness no one but Kanao noticed me crying. I simply didn't wanna ruin the mood with  my sappy home life.

A few hours later Shinobu finally gets home, and she gets scolded by Kanae for not telling her she'd be out so late. Everyone says hi to her including me, and she drags up upstairs to her room. "So Tomioka did you have fun while I was away?" I nod, I don't say anything else. "I assume you don't have a change of clothes hm? You can wear one of Kanae's Shirts for the night if you're okay with that."  "That's fine, I don't mind." She hands me a towel and a wash rag. "Here, these are for your shower."

I take the stuff she gives me and I enter the bathroom, I turn on the shower and I let the bathroom steam up a little. I take off my old clothes and I put them to the side. Finally I hop into the shower letting the warm water hit my back.

I kinda sit there for a while just thinking. I think about my keys and where they might be, because I seriously need them. I think about my sister who's still fact I haven't visited her in a while and maybe she's lonely. I think about today with Sanemi...our small conversation might not mean much to others but it meant a lot to me. He spoke to me. Me.
I feel my face get warm as I think about the way he looked when I touched his scars. His face was calm, and for once it wasn't angry or pouty or anything it was simply calm. His gaze was soft as I did whatever. My face gets red as I think about this.

Jesus, he looked good. My mind keeps playing that moment over and over,like a record player on loop. I bury my face in my hands as I come to my senses.

There's no way he'll ever like me. And I shouldn't even like him. He's mean, and aggressive but he has a soft side and I know it...and I know I'm weird but maybe there's a slight chance he returns the same feelings as I do.

Just maybe.


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