The color blue <3 pt.10 (re-written)

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Sanemi's POV:
Things are a little awkward now that I kissed Giyuu. He just keeps glancing at me from time to time slowly shifting his position once in a while. "Giyuu." I'm starting to get a little annoyed at his constant moving and whatnot. "Y-yeah..??" His voice seems a little shaky, I mean come to think of it he's shaking a little. "Dude are you okay? It was only a kiss no need to be nervous." Giyuu's face turns red (again.) "Shinazugawa....why..why did you kiss me? I mean...I liked it and never really payed attention to me before. What changed?" My eyes widen. Should I tell him why I started to talk to him? How would he feel if I told him this was all because of a bet? Would he cry..? "What changed?" I ask. I can't tell him the truth, the truth'll hurt him. "I guess...I guess I realized how fucked up I was to you. You know?" That wasn't a lie. But it wasn't the truth either and the guilt is eating me away. "Yeah.." It's silent. Way too silent. "I'm sorry." I look at him, he's zoned out staring at the floor. "It's fine." His voice is quiet and soft. I like it. I like hi-OKAY. Enough. No more weird thoughts about him. I DON'T like him. At least not like that.
Giyuu's POV:
I notice Sanemi staring at me. Is this gonna become a normal thing now..? "Shinazugawa." I say. "Are you ok?" I look up at his face and it's red slightly. I wonder why.... "Uh...yeah I'm fine." He clears his throat while looking at everything but me. "Do you wanna...maybe do something else than stay up in my room all day?" I practically jump up at that question. I just need to do something that'll distract me from what happened. IMMEDIATELY. "Uh yeah..sure. I don't know what though." I look at Sanemi his face is scrunched up so I assume he's thinking about what to do. "We could.....cook?" He says with uncertainty. "Sure." We both get up in perfect sync and walk towards the kitchen. I look around the room again, finding myself drawn back to the photos of Sanemi and his family when they were younger. I tap his shoulder before we fully make it down the stairs, making him instantly turn back to me. "Uh..sorry I was just wondering who's that in the photo." I point to the same family photo with that man, the same one that gave me a bad feeling. I'm not sure if I should be bringing this up anyways. I look at Shinazugawa and he looks almost angry?? But also scared? "That's my dad." If he's angry he's bad at not showing it. REALLY bad. He grabs my arm, his grip is hard and he's basically dragging me now. "Enough about him we should do when we came here to do."
Sanemi's POV:
I drag Tomika to the kitchen kinda angry. It's not his fault though, I just hate when people point out that photo. I gotta convince mom to take it down for sure. "Alright what would you like to eat?"

"SIMMERED SALMON WITH DAIKON!!" He yells out with excitement. "Alright alright calm down." I laugh at him a little. "I'm not even sure if we have the ingredients for that" I look into the fridge searching for the ingredients. "Yeah we don't have the ingredients for that sorry." I turn my head in his direction. "We can make onigiri instead. I have the ingredients for that."

                               ~Time skip~

"IT'S BURNING!" Tomioka yells out violently coughing. "FUCK, TURN THE HEAT OFF!" I fan the Smokey air out of my face and on top of that the  smoke detector goes off and creates extra noise to the situation. Just great. "Oh my god...." Giyuu coughs again. "How the hell did we manage to burn rice..." I sound actually confused about this. "Is this even edible anymore?" Tomioka looks at me while he turns the stove off. "There's only one way to find out." I take the lid off the pot of rice looking into it. Most of it is charred and most definitely crunchy too. "I think we can savor this. It's not that bad.....i think?" With that me and Tomioka start to make the onigiri, putting the rice into the molder to create the shape we needed and eventually it turned out.... Fine. Not great but not good either.

"Burnt onigiri whoever thought I'd be eating it." Giyuu says. "It's not that bad Tomioka you can stop nagging me about it now." I get kinda annoyed at him. "I'm gonna remind you about this Everytime you try to cook near me." He smiles a little. I find myself staring at him. For maybe a little TOO long. He's definitely not helping me beat the gay allegations. "Whatever everyone loves my cooking in this house." Giyuu playfully rolls his eyes at my comment. We hear the door open and it's no other than Genya and that little shit, aka Muichiro. "Sanemi?" Genya says confused looking between me and Tomioka. "You're home really early." He says. I roll my eyes at him why is he so...dumb? "I skipped school again dumbass." I say while I throw my plate out. Genya looks like he's gonna say something but I cut him off before he can. "And don't even lecture me, and DON'T tell mom if you wanna keep both your eyes in their sockets."

"You can't threaten me to keep quiet! I'm not 6 anymore I won't fall for your stupid tricks!" Genya puts his bag down in the living room, takes off his shoes and sits down. "When mom comes home I'm snitching hard!"

"When mom comes home she's gonna wonder why she's missing a son. Specifically the one with black hair." He rolls his eyes then smirks. Giving looks to Muichiro. "Fine. I won't tell." Muichiro whispers in his ear and I just watch hella confused. "I won't tell IF you admit you skipped school to go on a date with him!" Both Genya and Muichiro point to Tomioka which causes him to look at them then look away a little nervous.

"I'm not admitting that to YOU of all people. Who the fuck do you think I am?!" I yell, a small tint of blush appearing in my face. "My uncle says it's okay to be in denial." Muichiro says his voice so blunt i actually feel like punching a kid. "I DON'T CARE WHAT YOUR UNCLE SAYS, I'M NOT ON A DATE WITH HIM."





"FINE!" Genya yells, walking towards Tomioka. "Then we'll get answers from Tomioka!" Both Genya and Muichiro sit at the kitchen table across from me and Giyuu, staring intently. "Tomioka!" Genya slams his hands in the table. "Do you, promise to tell the truth and nothing but the truth?!" Genya puts his right hand in his chest while his left hand is up in the air. "Uh...sure?"

"Alright! Are you,Tomioka on a date with my older brother right now?!" Genya stares at Giyuu with an intense look in his eyes. "No?.."He says confused. Then he looks back at me, probably for an answer and I gently but not so gently kick his leg underneath the table. "We're not..on a date!" He yells immediately after I kick him. I shouldn't try that more often.... "Fine... we'll believe you. For now." Genya says. "Next time you won't be lucky." Muichiro chimes in and they both walk away towards the living room.
Giyuu's POV:
"God they are so annoying..." I hear Sanemi whisper to himself. "Come on let's go back to my room." He grabs my arm and drags me up the stairs. "Wait. I probably should go home now." I tell him. "And Kocho is probably gonna be mad at him if I don't explain where I've been all day." He rolls his eyes and drags me into his room. "So you skipped one day... you'll be fine. Tell Kocho she can stop worrying about you." He sits on his bed, staring at me. "Yeah but.. I should get going anyways. I'll uh..see you tomorrow?" I say, it's more of a question than a statement. "Sure. Come over tomorrow, Genya and that little shit won't be here to annoy us." We both say our goodbyes. And I walk out of the front door, while opening up my phone.

14 missed calls from Kocho.
18 text from Kocho.
1 voicemail from the local hospital.

I open the voice mail first. It's definitely about my sister and I hope that I can get some good news. I miss her.

Hello! This is Nikoré from the hospital. I came to inform you that...uh unfortunately your sister Tsutako isn't..she passed...a few hours ago. We've been trying to reach you but it all went straight to voice mail. If you read this please call back immediately and I'm..I'm very sorry for your loss.

"What?" I say in disbelief. I listen to the message once more and it finally clicks to me after a while. She's dead. Gone. My sister. Tsutako Tomioka. Dead. Never coming back. At first I laugh. She can't be dead. She's was fine...well not "fine" but she's was...okay...just a few weeks ago. Then I cry. She's gone. She's really gone. I didn't even get to say goodbye to her.

My sister is really gone.

I hope you guys like this re-write! I don't want the story to go to fast or make it feel like I'm trying to rush it!! Again I am not THAT good at writing so if you have any tips or criticism PLEASE share them just be respectful <33

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The color blue &lt;3 (Sanegiyuu)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora