The color blue<3 pt.12 (re-written)

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Sanemi's POV:

It's the next day at school and Tomioka isn't here. Which is weird he never misses a day of school at all. I took my time looking for Shinobu to ask her about it, luckily we're both in the same class for first period. She's talking with Kanroji and a bunch of other girls I don't know. "Hey Kocho." I tap her shoulder which makes her turn around. "Oh! Shinazugawa, is there something wrong?" She ask me in her usual smile. "Where's Tomioka? He's normally here today." I turn red a little bit. I never thought there would be a day where I would willingly ask for Tomioka. "Didn't he tell you? He's with my sister planning for y'know...?? His sister's funeral." She mouths the word "funeral" I guess Tomioka doesn't want people at school to know. It's fair. He's not really liked here. That's mean but..I mean people would just find a way to use that against him. "Oh. Is he alright?" I ask her in genuine worry. "Definitely not." She replies. "He's not coping healthy, I think he's still a little bit in denial y'know?" She sounds worried for him. "I hope you can help him with that. I've noticed you guys been getting closer lately! I think this is exactly what he needs so, thank you Shinazugawa." She smiles at me and bows lightly then turns back to her conversation. "Shinazugawa!" I look over to see Uzui calling me over to his table with Obanai and Rengoku. I groan and walk over there taking a seat next to Obanai as usual. "So, you were kicking it with Kocho over there I see~" Uzui teases. "Hell no! I don't even see her that way and I'm sure she doesn't see me that way either." I grumble. Kocho is pretty but I doubt we're each other's type. "Whatever... anyways! You know the dare thing I did right?" Uzui ask me. "Yeah,why?" I look at him. "You do know it's over, right? You can stop talking to Tomioka now." Uzui tells me. He's not wrong. I could stop talking to Tomioka. But I can't. There's something about him that just...pulls me in? I dunno I can't explain it. "I don't wanna." I tell him simply. "You serious? No offense but.....he's....kinda..."

"Weird?" Obanai says finishing what Uzui was gonna say. "Yeah exactly he's weird. Not to mention creepy. I caught him staring at me during class a few weeks ago, I think you should walk out before he gets too attached and tried to stalk you!" As Uzui says that he grabs onto my shoulders trying to scare me—which for one: didn't work. "You guys know nothing about him, he's not crazy and he's not a stalker. He's just.....he's just misunderstood." I look at all of them who looks shocked besides Rengoku. I look to see Uzui signing to Rengoku my exact words which changes his expression to shocked as well. " that really Sanemi in there?" Uzui pokes at me which rightly gets me annoyed. I smack his hand away. "I'm still the same person dumbass! I'm just saying, he's nothing like these pointless rumors. He's not creepy, he's not a stalker, he's not ugly, he's not anything everyone thinks he is!" I feel a little blush creeping up onto my cheeks. Why did this have to happen now...? "I think Sanemi has a crush on Tomioka." Rengoku signs. I'm not fluent at all like Uzui is so the only thing I picked up from that was "I think Sanemi........Tomioka." I seriously need to become more fluent. "No way..." Uzui responded to him. I look at both of them confused and watch as those two idiots give each other looks. "Rengoku said he thinks you have a crush on Tomioka!" Uzui yells kinda loudly pointing a finger at me. "I DO NOT!" My face heats up because in fact I do. I think? No I know. I like him so much it's...sickening. "That would explain why you're defending him." Obanai adds in and I give him a look. "I'm just saying..." he responds. "You all need to shut up!" I yell. "Awww come on admit it, you wanna give him a nice big kiss~" Uzui then proceeds to make kissy noises at me. "I SAID SHUT UP!" My face is completely red now, seriously how did I end up with a bunch of idiots?

"You didn't deny it~" He mumbles. "Come on, if you do ACTUALLY like him we won't judge. Everyone wants a creepy emo kid in their life at some point, hm?" I can tell he's at least trying to be serious. I'm not one to open up about how I feel but I end up spilling my feels to them. "OK! Maybe I do...I just..I'm not sure yet." I admit to them. "As much as I think Tomioka is the most un-flashy person on earth...maybe you should go with your feelings. At least we know someone can tame your anger outburst." Uzui laughs. "Shut up! I'm not a dog I don't need to be 'tamed'" I glare at him.

I like Tomioka. I do really.

How do I tell him that?

How do I admit that I like the color blue?


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