The color blue<3 pt.11 (Re-written)

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I really hoped yall liked the re-written version of chapter 10😭

Sanemi's POV:

"What the hell is up with Tomioka?" Obanai asked in shock. I notice everyone at the table is looking at me, as if I have the answers. "What?" I say slightly lowering my drink from my lips. "Well I mean..." Uzui starts. "Aren't you guys friends or something? I'm sure you know what's going on right?" He looks at me and then at Tomioka, who's sitting all the way across the room. The same table he sat at when he was alone. No friends. Nobody. Just him. And sometimes Shinobu. "Why do you assume I know what's up with him? Maybe he's back to his weird quiet shit again." I take a moment to look at him, he looks sad? Depressed? Both? His head is buried into his arms as if he's asleep. Kocho Approaches him with some lunch and he turns his head the opposite way from her. Yup something is definitely wrong with him.

"Someone should go talk to him.." Kanroji says quietly as if she meant to say it in her head instead of out loud. "Don't ask me to do it...he's basically social suicide.." Obanai says but instantly apologizes when Kanroji scolds him for being rude. Seriously I swear he's head over heels for that girl. I watch as Rengoku signs something to Uzui, and the only thing I was able to understand from the conversation was my name and Tomioka. I glance at Uzui raising an eyebrow. "Oh, uh he said that you should go talk to him."

So that's exactly what I got up to do.

I sit next to him at his little table and he has yet to notice me. "I already told you to go away Kocho." He says not even looking to check if it's actually her. "So im a girl now? Sweet, never knew I was a pretty princess." As soon as I spoke he look towards me a little shocked."Oh..sorrry.." he said quietly. "You're more gloomy than normal. What's up?" As soon as I ask that the small shine in his eyes dull, and he puts his head back on the table. "Tomioka, what's wrong? I'm not really good with...whatever this is.. so just tell me what's wrong." I look at him, and that's when I finally notice the growing tears in his eyes. "Go away,Please? I'll tell you later..." Was all he said to me. Normally I would've pushed it, pushed the truth out of him. But something about seeing Tomioka cry made be realize that I shouldn't push him.

"Did you figure out what's wrong with him?" Half of the table whispers to me. "Nope, he's just said he'll tell me later." I say while taking a seat back in my usual spot. "I feel bad..maybe I should go talk to him? We are kinda close.." Mitsuri says quietly. "Or I should invite him out with me and Shinobu more...??"Kanroji talks to herself silently. Well ALMOST silently. "Whatever it is we shouldn't push him. Let him be." I tell everyone while getting up to throw out my lunch.
Lunch is over and I'm honestly happy that it is. That means the day is almost over and I can go "home." I feel kinda bad for telling Shinobu off, she was just trying to comfort me. I should apologize to her for sure. She didn't mean any harm. I walk into the hallway towards my locker which takes forever given the crowed hallways. It's hard to get around when half the school is lingering around, talking, and trying to get to their next class on time. I'm usually early but that depends on what type of walker I get stuck behind. If it's a slow one I'm definitely gonna end up late. "Tomioka." I look up and see it's Sanemi. "Oh..uh hi." I say kinda quietly. "What class are going to right now? I was gonna ask you if you wanted to skip 3rd period with me." He tells me. "I have history and I'd rather avoid the annoying ass substitute this time." He looks at me as he leans onto my locker. "Sure. I'd rather skip math anyways." He grabs my arm and pulls me with him. The hallways are still crowded but not as much as before. We turn the corner and make our way to the lower grades roof. Most people skip here since all you have to say is that you volunteered to help clean up and you won't get questioned as much. Or they hide out into the bathroom, which is where everyone goes. "Why did you take me to the roof??" I ask him. I'd normally hide out into the bathroom. "Because everyone skips in the bathroom, We'd get no privacy. You know how nosy these kids are." I nod as a response. "Anyways I wanted to talk to you." Sanemi says to me, which in all honesty gets me out of head for a while. "It's about what you said at lunch." I look at him a little surprised, I was expecting him to forget about it. "You don't have to tell me I'm not gonna force you." He says almost immediately. "It was about my sister." I tell him. "You have a sister?" He ask me. I realized it's something I never really told him. "Not anymore.." I mumble but he doesn't seem to catch what I said. "She was sick for a while. Like really badly." I start to speak. "And...I thought she was getting better but, she just kept getting worse." I turn around to look the other way. I hate people seeing me cry. It's weird. "And now she's gone and i didn't even get to say goodbye." I start to lose it. I break down completely. Do you know how much I wished to just get one final look at her face? To hear her speak for just one last time? "Tomioka, it's not your fault." He hugs me, running his hands through my hair. "Nobody knows when someone's time is up. Don't blame yourself."

"But if I just took more effort to visit then maybe she'd get to see me for the last time..."

It was silent after that. Complete silence. All you could hear was me crying and the wind blowing.


I'm silent.

Shinazugawa is silent.

Tsutako, my sister. Is silent.

For good.


You just read 1090 words👴🏻

The color blue &lt;3 (Sanegiyuu)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें