The color blue<3 pt.9

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Sanemi's pov:
I'm at the school gates waiting for Obanai. I'm frantically texting him but he doesn't answer. After a few minutes I finally see him running towards me with Kanroji. "Jesus what took you so damn long?" Obanai and Mitsuri is out of breath. "We forgot to turn on our we came late." Obanai barely gets his words out. I roll my eyes at him. "This is why I tell you to always double check. You're gonna get an earful from the teacher y'know." He playfully punches me. "You're gonna get it too, since you're always waiting for us. Now let's go I don't want to be anymore late than what I already am." Obanai tries to pull me with him but I refuse. "You can go in. I'm waiting for someone." Both Obanai and Mitsuri look at me weirdly. "If it's Tengen and Rengoku you're waiting for, I'm pretty sure they're already inside." Mitsuri points towards the school's main entrance. I shake my head at her. "I'm not waiting for those dumbasses." Im a little reluctant to tell them I'm waiting for Tomioka, but they're just gonna keep asking questions. "I' waiting for Tomioka." Obanai looks like he's been smacked in the face.
"Seriously?! Do you know what'll happen to you if you get caught prancing around with that freak?!" I look at him kinda annoyed. Yes I know what'll happen. Yes I know people will most likely avoid me like the plague. Yes I'll probably be a target for bullying as well. But I don't care. "I know. But I just don't care." Obanai just stares at me and shrugs. "I don't like you hanging around Tomioka. But you do you I guess." I feel a little tension in his words but I could care less about that. I watch as him and Mitsuri walk into the school. I finally see Shinobu walking with Tomioka.

Giyuu's POV:
I'm walking to school with Shinobu. It's 8:00 and we're both extremely late. Mostly because Shinobu had to drag me out of bed this morning. She made me shower, she made me eat and do basic stuff that I didn't feel like doing. I look towards the school gate and I see Shinazugawa standing there. He looks up and me and then waves with a smile on his face. Was he waiting for me? I wave at him back awkwardly. I was kinda hoping to avoid him today to get my mind off of what happened. "Hey Giyuu." Sanemi looks a little awkward. Maybe he's thinking about last night too. "Hi.." We both just kinda stand there in each other's faces awkwardly. " about last night" Sanemi's face flushes red. I was really hoping he wouldn't bring it up. "Sorry I made things awkward last night."

"No it's Fine..." My face is red too. I really wish we actually kissed. I wonder what would happen if we actually did....would we date? Or just have a situation-ship...? "You wanna do something crazy?" I look at Sanemi with Confusion. "What?" Sanemi has a small devilish grin on his face as he pulls me away from the school. "We're skipping school." My eyes widen. Skip school?! I haven't skipped school a day in my life! "Are you kidding? I haven't skipped school before...and what will the teachers say when we aren't there?" Sanemi looks at me a little annoyed as he continues to drag me with him. "I skip school all the time.You'll be fine, I'm basically an expert at skipping school and coming up with excuses."
When the school is finally out of view he stops dragging me. "So where would you like to go? We can go to like an arcade....or we can watch a movie....maybe even do something at my house."

"I think we should go back to the school...seriously what if we get caught Sanemi?" He drags me with him against my will. "Alright my house first, then we can do whatever." I'm not a big fan of skipping school, but I've gotta admit this is kinda fun. We arrive at Sanemi's house. I watch him rummage around the place before going up into his room and turning the place upside down. "What are you looking for?" He doesn't look up at me at all, he's too busy searching his drawers. "I'm look for some cash I lhad stored in my room. But I guess Genya and that little shit took it." I watch him angrily slam his drawers while cursing under his breath. "Whatever we could alway continue what we were doing last night." Last night? WAIT....does he mean continue the kiss or the show? I watch Sanemi put on a movie as he motions me to sit down. I take off my shoes and bookbag and I take a seat on his bed feeling a little tense. Am I really skipping school to hang out with someone who doesn't even like me? I can't believe I'm actually doing this. "Giyuu." I look at Sanemi who seems to be thinking about something again.

We just stare at each other like we always do. Just like last night his hands touch my face while his thumb brushes past my lips. I can't help but get red for like the 10th time today. Sanemi brings his face closer to mine and suddenly I feel hot and sweaty. "Um...I don't think we should be doing th—" I get cut off once I feel Sanemi's lips touch mine. The kiss last for a long time minute u
Until Sanemi breaks the kiss.

"You're not very experienced in kissing are you?" Sanemi looks at me, his face is slightly red and he's breathing hard. We're both breathing hard. "" God I'm so awkward now and I just know my face is redder than ever too.

We just kinda sit there in weird awkward silence. And I can't believe he kissed me. Sanemi Shinazugawa kissed me. ME out of all people.

(This felt kinda rushed probably because school is taking up most of my time and I have to squeeze this is fr)


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