Dislocated Heir

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Cannons blasted over the swiftly built fortifications, slamming into dozens of bodies and sending blood and limbs every which way. The Kansens who had shot their guns, lowered themselves, the ones stationed behind them readying themselves to fire soon after.

It had begun not long ago, the attack on Baguio. Thanks to the way the Abyssals were funneling through the Island, it became clear enough to reinforce Baguio with all they had for an invasion.

Luckily, they thought it right.

The Abyssals poured out from the trees, some with cannons that fired back at the Kansen, only to be met with those that had Shield projectors that absorbed the shots. The strategy was sound, and so long as they kept Teamwork up, they would continue to hold.

That, and their ammunition, which was supplied readily by the men and women there to assist them. The defense was solid and well kept, a constant rain of fire would sweep down on the Abyssals...it was impregnable.

That is, so long as they weren't flanked.

That job fell into the Sentries to warn and guide the Carriers for. Again, volunteers helped in this duty, and one such volunteer was keeping an extra eye out for an Abyssal in particular.

"Jacob, spot anything yet?" The boy looked to another Sentry next to him, who was scanning roughly the same area he was.

"No...it's good."

"Good...you going to head down soon?"

"No." He was determined to find that one eyed bastard, and in a fight this significant, there was no chance she wouldn't show up.

The forests surrounding them were cleared a little for visibility and barricades, helping them gain that little bit of an edge over the Abyssals. Still, all the attention had been focused on the front for some time now, and the longer it went on, the more suspicious they all grew that the Abyssal's might try something different.


"There!" The man next to Jacob called out, pointing towards a very small group of Abyssals, numbering five strong.

Jacob brought the binoculars to his eyes to look, and he felt his blood both freeze and boil in quick succession upon seeing who was heading the group. Haku, the Abyssal that was now feared across the world, was leading the other four into the side of the city, seemingly all on their own.

"I'll go put the call in, stay here and keep them in sight!" His co worker quickly left the elevated tower, running off to warn far and wide of the incoming flank.

Still, Jacob's eyes wouldn't leave Haku's form, caring little for both the strange looking Abyssals to her sides, and the two in the back, who were no doubt the Kansen who were turned. Her red one eyed gaze slowly scanned over the town, directing the others to split into different parts...before looking directly towards him.

He froze as their gazes met, and Haku gave him a smile before licking her lips, clear on what her intentions with him were to be. He didn't falter from her look, continuing to stare ahead unflinching and without fear into the menace from below.

It wouldn't be long before they would be face to face once more, and he swore that he would give her what she rightfully deserved...his father will be avenged.

Several cannons aimed high before unleashing the heavy Payload of shells, letting a few seconds pass before they collided with the Abyssal lines and cleaved a good score of them from the Earth. Jersey sighed as she kept a good eye on the lines, less bored of her inactivity here, and more nervous of what's to come.

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