Interesting beginning

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A heavy downpour continued to patter down on Wyndon In the Gallar Region, the rainfall proving resilient, having persisted for hours. The heavy storm produced a loud and chaotic environment outside as the water came bucketing down upon every unprotected surface. The scent of petrichor filled the air, but along with it, the scent of chaotic, turbulent downpour. Not a single soul was outdoors on this gloomy night, most rather opting to stay indoors, secured by their snug covers and serene homes. Not a single soul in their right mind would ever be outside on a day like this.

Not a single soul except for one Red-haired trainer and her loyal Pokemon.

At night, a large stadium is filled with people, and their Pokémon, all yelling and cheering.

A elderly man dressed in a grey suit walks out to the center of the stadium, with his arms spread, "Welcome, one and all! As you know, like our neighbours the Paldea region, it's time again for the Gallar gym challenge season!."

The cheering grows louder, before the man holds a hand to his chest, "As some of you might know, I am Chairman Rose, Chairman of the Pokémon League committee and Marco industries, and as a gift an exhibition match, staring the Galar region's own undefeated Champion, Leon!"

Rose stands to the side and throws back an arm, revealing Leon several steps behind him, who is waving as the cheering gets louder than ever.

Fireworks go off as Leon strikes his signature pose.

" And the champion of Kalos, Diantha!" Rose says, as a blonde haired lady, dressed in a white dress and jacket, with sneakers Waller out.

" Your about to have  a losing streak" Diantha says, she then throws her Pokeball.

Leon waves his cape to the side as he reaches with a Poké Ball in hand, "Now, let's go, my partner!"

Leon throws the Poké Ball straight ahead.

Now wandering the wet, lamplit streets. Mairin and her loyal companion, Chespin headed for the hotel. Suddenly a pair of trainers and their Pokémon are running the hotel. The trainers and Pokémon are nearly even, before Hop and Rillaboom get ahead and reach the doors of the hotel, nearly bumping into Jessi.

"Alright the winners of the first annual Pokémon quarter mile foot race is Hop and Wooloo!" Hop spins around and raises his arms.

"Wooloo!" Wooloo mimics its trainer, with doing a happy dance.

The others are slowing down as they breath deeply, with Gloria notices Yamper is coming to a stop as it hangs its head low.

Gloria knees down to her Pokémon, "It's okay we didn't win, Yamper Just means we can try again someday."

"barf barf," Yamper responds, happily.

"Hey," Hop says noticing Mairin, Gloria looks up and smiles, " New to Galar huh?" She says. " I have an idea" Hop says with his arms pumped. "We're Pokémon Trainers, right? Then let's have a Pokémon Battle!"

"barf..." Yamper looks down, as Gloria picks it up in her arms.

"I don't think Yamper is up for it," Gloria says.

"How about you, u, what was your name?" Hop asks.

" Mairin " Mairin replies

Mairin looks over to Chespin, who was shadow boxing, excitedly, then smiles at her, causing Mairin to look to Hop, "I think Chese  is up for it."

After a few short moments, Mairin and Hop stand several feet away, with their respective Pokémon in front of them, as Gloria, with Yamper in her arms, off to the side.

"Alright, Wooloo, let's give it our all!" Hop yells.


Suddenly thunder roars, and a lighting bolt strikes a few feet away from the group. Mairin picks up Chespin, Hop returns Wooloo to his pokeball, along with Gloria all head into the hotel calling off the battle due to the extreme weather.

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