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Shortly later, the group, including Hop's newly caught Wooloo, enters Professor Magnolia's lab, with Mairin looking around, seeming amazed.

Gloria notices her new friend, "Mairin, are you okay?"

"Oh...!" Mairin looks over to her, slightly nervous. "I never actually been in a professor's lab before. Guess I'm a little starstruck."

"I guess Hop and I was like that when we first visited," Gloria admits.

Hop is kneeling next to his Wooloo, with Grookey on Wooloo's back, with Hop looking amazed, "Take it all in, this place is so amazing."

"And Hop is still like that..." Gloria says, with a sweat drop.

As the group approaches, Professor Magnolia walks around a table with an opened case on it, "Good, everyone here. Now, I want to ask our young Trainers, what they know about Dynamax."

"Oh, I know!" Hop holds out a Poké Ball. "It's when a Trainer calls out to their partner, and their Pokémon, they Zoom! Zam! KaBlam! And they're giant and all their attacks get KaBlam!"

"...Thank you, Hop..." Professor Magnolia responds, with a sweat drop. "Anyone else?"

"From what I can understand from news reports and live streams of Galar battles, it's when a Pokémon absorbs great power and grows to a giant size and increases the power of their attacks... Some other Regions has a similar thing. "Alain explains.

"Was that what I said?" Hop asks.

"Not really, no," Sonia adds.

"But I believed Dynamaxing is only possible at special locations..." Alain continues.

"That right, they're called Power Spots," Gloria says. "The Gym and League stadiums are built over some of them so that Gym Leaders and Trainers could Dynamax their Pokémon for battles."

"Accurate, there's also Gigantamaxing, which also changes a Pokémon's physical abilities and changes certain attacks in a different way," Professor Magnolia starts. "And while we don't know the absolute source of these Power Spots, we do know that Wishing Stars that had been found falling through Galar for years can allow Trainers to Dynamax their Pokémon. Although to utilize their powers, we place Wishing Stars within these..."

Professor Magnolia steps to the side to reveal that the opened case is holding three mostly white bands, with a black screen, "Dynamax Bands."

"Dynamax Bands..." Mairin says to herself.

Leon holds up his arm, showing the Dynamax Band on his wrist, "With this, at any Power Spot, a Trainer can Dynamax a Pokémon they have a strong bond with."

"Wait, there are three Dynamax Bands there..." Hop starts.

"That right, Hop, these Dynamax Bands are for you three," Professor Magnolia says, as she steps to the side, allowing the three Trainers to approach the table.

Each of the three grabs one of the Dynamax Band, with Hop happily pulls his onto his wrist. Gloria slips her onto her wrist, looking at it awestruck. Mairin holds hers in one hand, while using her other arm to hold Sobble close to her, as it looks at her. Gloria smiles at the Pokémon.

"There's one more thing," Leon says, causing Mairin to look to the side. "Gloria, Hop..."

Gloria watches as her friends walk over to Leon, standing side by side.

"I was considering this before, and after seeing how you two handle yourselves and the quick bonds you are forming with your partners, I've made my final decision," Leon says.

"About what, Lee?" Hop asks his brother.

Leon reaches behind his back, flapping his cape slightly, before pulling out two folded letters and hands them to the two Trainers.

"Wait, are those...?" Hop asks, unaware of Mairin  raises her head slightly.

Leon smiles, "My endorsement for the two of you to enter the Galar League's Gym Challenge."

"Endorsement! Serious?!" Hop grabs one letter and looks it over.

Gloria takes the other letter, as he whispers, "An Official League competition?" Then she quickly looks back at Leon. "Wait, my mom..."

"It's alright."

Gloria turns to see entering the lab is Glory, and Castera, "Mom?"

Glory smiles, "I knew you always wanted to compete in League competitions. So you have my full support." She then tilts her head slightly. "Besides, it'll be the perfect opportunity to make new friends."

"Thanks, mom," Gloria blushes.

"And I know better then trying to stop Hop from doing something he really wants to," Castera says.

"Thanks, mum," Hop jumps slightly to turn and face her direction. "And get ready, cause you will have a new Champion in the family."

Alain looks toward Mairin, who is looking down slightly.

"The opening ceremony for this year's League competition is only a couple days away, so you two should take the train at Wedgehurst tomorrow," Leon says.

Glory walks over to Mairin , "Mairin, you should go with them."

"Go with them?" Mairin surprised.

"Yeah, support your friends and get to see Motostoke," Sonia adds.

" Why?" Mairin  says walking away, " I'm a failure anyway" Alain follows after her

"That's a great idea," Hop says.

"Yeah, it could be fun," Gloria adds.

"Could be?" Hop gets close to Gloria. "It will be fun!"

"Right," Gloria smiles nervously.

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