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Hop holds up his Rotom Phone, as he watches the exhibition match, "This is my favorite part. Blam! Blast! Now, the big finish. Kapow!"

Gloria, who is lying on the ground of the tall hill the two friends are on, sighs, "Hop, you watched Leon's and Greta's exhibition match like twenty times since it had streamed two weeks ago."

"No I haven't," Hop says, as he pockets his Rotom Phone and smiles. "I watched it thirty nine times."

Gloria smiles, "Of course you had."

Hop bumps his fists, "I can't wait till I get my first Pokémon partner, then I can challenge the Gym Leaders and compete in the Champion Cup..."

Gloria sighs as she closes her eyes, "You need to get an endorsement before you could compete in the Gym Challenge, and not just anyone can get one."

"Yep, but I'm not 'just anyone,'" Hop points a finger at his chest. "I'm Hop, future Champion of the Galar region!"

"Sure you are."

Hop removes his hand from his chest, "Anyway, aren't meant to meeting Mairin and Alain?"

"Yeah, still don't know why they left Paldea, kinda weird just up and leaving your home region," Gloria explains, as she sits up and pulls her Rotom Phone out of the bag lying next to her. "They aren't from Paldea they're from Kalos " Hop explains

" I'm not supposed to get to meet them... two minutes ago!"

Gloria jumps to her feet and starts to run off, "I have to go!"

"Wait, I'll go too!" Hop starts to run after her.

"Why," Gloria asks, as the two friends are running.

"For a very good reason," Hop answers, as they continue running into the distance. "Thry might not have seen the exhibition match."

Inside a living room, Mairin is laying on the couch looking depressed. Alain, enters from another room, Alain sees Chespin  jump up and nuzzle into Mairin.

There's a knock at the door, causing them to turn to the sound. After a few seconds, Mairin opens the door to find Gloria and Hop on the other side,

"Hi Mairin, you remember me? It's Gloria..."

Gloria then glances at her friend. "And you know Hop..."

"The future Galar League Champion!" Hop proudly stabs a finger to his chest.

"You really need to stop calling yourself that," Gloria says, with a sweat drop.

"Well aren't you an energetic one," Alain starts, "Hey, Mairin," Hop steps in front of Gloria suddenly. " Champion Leon had a really awesome exhibition battle while we were in Wyndon."

But before Mairin or Alain could respond, her Rotom Phone flies out of her back pocket and floats next to her head, "Champion Leon exhibition battle cued for twenty-eighth viewing."

An embarrassed smile appears on Mairin's face.

Gloria places a hand on her hip, as she grins, "Great, another Leon fanboy."

" What?" Mairin says, " Alain won the Kalos championship too"

"Dee!" A flock of Rookiedee fly overhead, with Mairin and Gloria are walking through a field, as Hop is walking slowly across the top of a fence.

"Right, so..." Gloria looks around, before she spreads her arms. "This is Postwick..." Gloria lowers her arms and holds them behind her back. "Yeah, there isn't really much to see here."

"Yeah, I love Postwick, but the moment I get my first Pokémon I'll..." Hop comes to a stop, balancing himself on the fence.

"Do nothing, since you still don't have an endorsement," Gloria interrupts, before Hop loses his balance and falls off, landing on his butt.

"Endorsement?" Mairin asks.

"Oh right, I forgot the rules in Kalos are different," Gloria starts. "For a trainer to compete in the Galar League's Gym Challenge they must first get an endorsement from someone like a Gym Leader... or a League official..."

As Gloria starts to look down, Hop jumps back up on his feet, surprising Gloria and Mairin.

"But it won't be a problem for me to get an endorsement!" Hop pumps his fists.

"I seriously doubt your connections will help you out," Gloria says, with Hop grins at her.

"Connections?" Mairin questions.

"Hop! Gloria!"

The three friends look further down the field to see standing on a hill is Sonia, waving at them, with her Yamper's happily next to her, "Yamp!"

Sonia and Yamper then rush over to the three.

"Hey, Sonia, what are you doing here?" Gloria asks, as Hop knees down to Yamper and pets it, with Mairin watching.

"I'm actually looking for you guys," Sonia says, before she notices Jessi. "Oh, you must be Alain's friend,"

"Hi, yeah, I am I'm Mairin" Mairin looks back up to her.

Gloria leans out in front of Mairin, "What do you mean you're looking for us?"

Sonia smiles, "Professor Magnolia has a surprise for you three, at Hop's house."

Mairin leans slightly to the side and points at herself, "For me too?"

Hop leans out in front of both of his friends, "At my house?"

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