First gym leader Milo

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"Now, it is time for the moment everyone has been waiting for!" Dan announces, over the continuing applause. "First, is the Turffield Gym Leader, Milo!"

Milo enters the arena, waving a hand at the crowds, to a lot of applause.

"And now, the Gym Challenger, Alain!"

Alain enters the arena from the other side, completely stiff, as he walks toward his spot on the arena.

"Let's have a good Gym Battle," Milo says, with a large smile.

"Y-Yes..." Alain nervously nods his head, as his eyes keep on looking side to side at the crowd.

Mairin sighs, "Then again, my first instinct could be right..."

At that moment, transmitters start to emerge from the ground around the edge of the arena, before bright lights emerge from them, creating a large dome-shaped barrier around and above the arena.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot, that the Max Barrier used in Stadiums to protect the spectaculars when Trainers Dynamaxed their Pokémon," Mairin watches the forming barrier.

"Alright, Alain, you can do it!" Mia waves from her seat.

Alain quickly glances out the corner of his eyes, as he reaches his spot in the center of the arena.

Milo holds up a Poké Ball, "Okay, then I'll go first." Milo throws the Poké Ball. "Go, Gossifleur!"

"Fleur!" Gossifleur calls out.

"Okay... we can do this..." Alain says to himself, as he holds up a Poké Ball, before throwing it. "Go, Rookidee!"


"Rookidee?" Mairin says. "Could Alain being making a mistake?"

"Alain appeared to be nervous," Milo realizes. "But him choosing Rookidee doesn't appear to be a mistake... He might have a plan for Gossifleur."

As the Max Barrier finishes materializing around the arena, Dan announces, "Now, let's the battle begins!"

"Rookidee, make sure to avoid Gossifleur's attacks," Alain instructs.

"Dee!" Rookidee, flapping its wings to keep itself in the air, nods its head.

"Okay, then, we will go on the offensive," Milo starts. "Gossifleur, use Rapid Spin!"

Gossifleur spins around rapidly, flying toward Rookidee, who flies around, just barely missing Gossifleur, as it flies past it, before Gossifleur spins back to it, causing Rookidee to try to avoid it.

"Dee, Dee!"

"Fleur!" Gossifleur returns to the ground, without stop spinning, and then flies pass toward Rookidee.

"Dee!" Rookidee flies to the side, but Gossifleur manages to snip its wing, knocking Rookidee to the side. "Dee! Dee!" Rookidee goes into a spiral, before it manages to stable itself as it flaps its wings to keep it in the air.

"Rookidee..." Alain starts, before noticing the crowd in the stadium are cheering, causing him to look at them.

Alain takes a step back, as he sweats slightly, which Milo notices.

"I'm sorry, Alain, but if you want to take on the Pokémon League, then you must be able to overcome your own weakness..." Milo thinks to himself. "Perhaps you weren't ready for this, after all..."

Alain continues to look at the crowd, before he notices that Rookidee is continuing avoiding the spinning Gossifleur. Alain closes his eyes, breathes in deeply, which Milo notices.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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