Chapter 6 - Shifting Bonds I

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Sasuke scanned through a report that outlined the production requirements for the new prototype, frowning slightly in concentration. A cup of deliciously fragrant coffee was placed in front of him. He looked up as Neji leaned against his desk, a smirk on the long-haired man's face.

"You look like you could use a break, Neji said, glancing at Sasuke's screen, his eyes moving over the schematic with practiced familiarity.

"Thanks," Sasuke took the coffee gratefully, watching as the pale-eyed man took a sip of his own. Neji made the best coffee, from his own personal stash of expensive, freshly ground beans.

They both drank it strong and black.

"We have a meeting scheduled with operations tomorrow to discuss the modified design and do a cost analysis," Neji said.

"I've already laid out the differences between the new design and the last prototype that they spec'd out. The changes aren't that significant, so the meeting should be relatively short," Sasuke handed a printout of the analysis he'd done to Neji, who opened it and flipped through. "But there are a few things I noticed that would be good to get the team's input on."

Neji nodded and turned to the door, still reading through the document. Sasuke followed Neji out, not comparing the perfect lines of Neji's two thousand dollar suit with Sasuke's less expensive one. Sasuke had gotten over the fact that Neji came from a wealthy family after the first couple of weeks working together. Even if the Hyuuga had been born with the proverbial silver spoon in his mouth, it was clear from early on in their working relationship that Neji was more than willing to pull his weight. He was also smart as hell.

Neji was a few years older than Sasuke, and he had at first tried to use his seniority to establish himself the sole leader of their combined team. Sasuke had quickly disabused him of any such notion, more than proving his own worth as being at least up to Neji's level - if not beyond - despite having less experience.

A wary, mutual admiration had slowly developed between them. Sasuke knew that if he had been paired with anyone else on this project, it would not have succeeded to the extent it currently was. Working with Neji - while initially annoying - was rapidly accelerating Sasuke's career and he couldn't deny the amount he was learning from his co-team lead.

"This is excellent," Neji murmured, then glanced up to look at Sasuke, approval showing in his pale eyes. "I should have known you would already have thought through this. I must admit I'm not used to working with someone this competent."

For the Hyuuga, 'competent' meant 'spectacular'. Sasuke had been working with the stoic man long enough to have learned that.

"Hn," Sasuke had a slight curve of his lips as they walked into the team room where both teams were stationed during the joint project. Karin, Suigetsu and Juugo were seated on one side of the large table while Lee and Hanabi were on the other. The walls were covered with post-it notes, circuit diagrams, and design spec print-outs. They all looked up when Sasuke and Neji walked into the room.

"Ah, welcome Slave Driver A and Slave Driver B. Here to inform us of another night we'll be working late?" Suigetsu quipped, though he didn't look overly annoyed. The entire team had gotten a lot of praise with the way the project was going. Their careers were all on the fast track now, and they knew it was due to the two men who had just walked in together.

"Actually, we were going to invite you all to a team dinner tonight," Neji said smoothly while Sasuke shot Suigetsu a glare. "Company pays?" Karin asked, her eyes hopeful.

"Company pays," Sasuke confirmed, causing Suigetsu and Karin to grin.

"Yes!" Lee exclaimed loudly. "A reward for all our hard work!"

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