Chapter 32 - New Beginning I

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Naruto had made the executive decision to not tell Kiba he was going to a sex club. Partly because Gaara actually had asked him to sign an NDA, so he wasn't going to talk out of school about any of it, but mostly because Kiba would definitely try to get him to wear something insane, then pump him for details about his night at a gay sex club.

Even though he was going to The Sand tonight, he was still working. Which meant he wasn't going there to get laid, which meant he needed to not dress like a total manwhore. Ever since he and Sasuke had broken up, Kiba had been doing anything he could to get Naruto some action and this would just have been too good an opportunity for Kiba to pass up.

Still, Gaara had told Naruto to dress appropriately, presumably to not stand out like a sore thumb and make people uncomfortable. Naruto looked through his clothes. He didn't own any leather except a leather jacket, and he was pretty sure it would be way too hot for that in the club full of people dancing and... doing... other stuff. So the jacket was out.

Naruto had replaced most of his jeans after his trip since they had been too worn out and loose. He had a pair of tight black jeans that he figured were his best bet. Unfortunately, most of his shirts were either T-shirts or button-downs, and he wasn't really sure which would be the most appropriate.

Naruto had googled the club to try to find out more about it. It didn't appear to be a pure BDSM club, but it did have 'theme nights' and there were definitely private BDSM rooms available. It was discreet, though. There were no flashy advertisements or photos of the inside at all. Only a brief description of the hours and a few comments in the most general terms about the place. There was no way to become a member without a sponsor and the fees of membership were not disclosed. It didn't really give Naruto much to go on in terms of what he should wear.

Naruto sighed. The club looked nice, but in the end, it was still a sex club. So probably the button-down shirt was out.

Even though he wasn't going there to draw attention to himself and get laid, he needed to blend in enough to get a feel for the place and get a sense of lighting, spacing, and the subjects in his work. Не decided on a black tank top that was worn and a little bit too tight and finished it off with a black leather boots. They were actually work boots that he had bought to replace the pair he had trashed hiking through a jungle in Belize, but since they were still new they actually looked pretty good with his jeans.

And he definitely wouldn't look like he was trying too hard. Hopefully he'd just fade into the background and he could focus on his work.


Naruto pulled into the underground parking garage for the club that Gaara had told him to use. The lot was mostly full, which didn't surprise him. It was after eleven at night, but Gaara had told him that things really didn't get going until around midnight on the weekends. The club didn't have an official closing time, but usually Gaara shut things down around three. All of Naruto's camera equipment had been left at home, per Gaara's instructions to just 'observe'. Naruto wished he'd at least been able to bring his light meter to get a better sense of what he was going to be working with, but he knew that Gaara didn't want anyone to be on edge. Privacy was strictly enforced at the club for obvious reasons.

Naruto walked over to the entrance, feeling suddenly very nervous about whether he would be under-dressed or over-dressed once he got inside. He almost regretted not asking Kiba for advice, but he knew Kiba would have tried to dress him into red leather hot pants and a fishnet shirt or something and Naruto was NOT going to try to work in anything like that. The bouncer at the door must have been given Naruto's photo, because he just nodded at Naruto and let him in, not even asking to see his ID.

Naruto wasn't sure if it would be more accurate to say he could hear the music or fee/the music as he stepped into the ground floor of the club, the heavy base hitting him as he stepped inside. The lights were low, some of them flashing with the dark beat of the music. Naruto wasn't an expert in music genres, but the music definitely fit the club. It was dark, sexy, and pulsing with an underlying edge of 'dirty' that made Naruto's tongue run along the inside of his teeth before he realized what he was doing.

When Love FadesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora