Chapter 9 - One last time I

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Naruto laughed as he picked up the shot that Kiba placed in front of him. Kiba had been buying him rounds for the past couple of hours, and Naruto knew he was well past buzzed. Sasuke hadn't shown up, but Naruto decided not to care as he threw back the drink, feeling the burn as it went down his throat, the room spinning hazily. He'd been having fun with Kiba, where they'd been sitting at the bar, watching the dancers but mostly just soaking up the energy of the club and trading stories about all the stupid shit they used to do back in school. Kiba had only asked about Sasuke once, then they had both avoided the subject and Naruto had finally stopped thinking about it at all.

It had been a really long time since he'd cut loose, and having Kiba buying him shots to celebrate his successful interview was exactly what he needed. Kiba understood him... knew what he needed. Looking over at his friend weaving on the barstool next to him, Naruto snickered. It was clear that neither was in any kind of shape to drive home. They'd have to call a cab.

"Dude," Kiba slurred, leaning forward to tell Naruto something in confidence, but speaking so loud that people four stools down could hear him. "I gotta take a piss. Then we should probably head out, or Hana will have my ass tomorrow. I have the morning shift. I don't wanna get too wasted."

Naruto laughed drunkenly. "Kiba... you idiot. You are the worst designated driver ever. You're already shit-faced and she's gonna totally ream you for coming in hung-over. We coulda just done this on the weekend, you dumbass."

"No way, man," Kiba stood, having the slightly out-of-focus-but-still-dead-serious look that only someone truly hammered can pull off. "You're my best friend. A major break like this only happens once or twice in a lifetime. There's no way I'm not gonna celebrate with you. Screw work."

It was probably the alcohol, but somehow the statement had Naruto's throat feeling tight.

"Thanks, man," Naruto managed, putting his hand on Kiba's shoulder.

Kiba nodded very seriously. Then proceeded to spoil the moment.

"Now I really gotta take a piss."

Naruto laughed again as Kiba turned and stumbled off to the men's room. Naruto leaned back on the bar, looking out over the dance floor. It wasn't very crowded given that it was a Monday night, but it wasn't as empty as Naruto would have expected, either. He wondered if all these people were unemployed, or students, or what.

They definitely don't work for Sasuke, he thought hazily, a slight bitter edge sneaking in and spoiling some of his buzz. He ran a hand through his hair as though to push the thought away, watching the dancers while he waited for Kiba to return.

His eyes were drawn to a man who was dancing with a girl and two other guys. They looked to be about Naruto's age, give or take a year or two. At first, Naruto didn't really focus much on what he was looking at, but slowly, he started to realize that... the guy was... hot. He was wearing a tight black T-shirt and equally tight black jeans. His brown hair fell over part of his face, but it was the way he moved that had Naruto suddenly watching with complete attention. The man's movements were subtle and fluid, slim hips swiveling in a serpentine manner to the pulsing base of the music.

There was a confidence in the man's movements and expression that drew more than a few sets of eyes to him. Naruto felt his blood heat slowly at he watched. The man lifted his head, and Naruto was suddenly trapped by a pair of golden brown eyes, looking directly at him. Realizing he had been caught basically ogling some abruptly turned back to the bar, embarrassed. stranger, Naruto

It's just the alcohol, Naruto assured himself. I'm drunk and I haven't been laid in forever and it's just a natural reaction. It doesn't mean anything.

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