Chapter 34 - New Beginning III

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As they walked back to Gaara's office, Naruto's nerves grew. The club owner hadn't seemed annoyed, but Gaara wasn't the type who wore his emotions on his sleeve. Naruto was pretty good at reading people regardless of how closed-off they were, but he hadn't known Gaara for long, and there was no doubt that they were ending the little 'tour' early. He wondered if his minor freak-out in the BDSM room would cause Gaara to cancel the photo shoot. He bit his lip as he watched Gaara unlock the door to his office, leaving it open for Naruto to follow him in.

Naruto stepped inside, raking his fingers through his hair. "Um.... we didn't see any of the other rooms down there," Naruto began nervously.

Gaara shot him a look as he closed the door. "Sit." The order was clear in the tone.

Naruto walked over and sat in the same chair he'd sat in during his first meeting with the enigmatic club owner. Gaara sat as well, reaching into a drawer on his desk and taking out two shot glasses and a large, ornate bottle labeled 'Blanton's filled with amber liquid.

Naruto raised an eyebrow. "That's not orange juice."

Gaara poured two shots, giving Naruto an amused look. "It's not noon this time."

Naruto accepted the glass that was nudged his way, letting it rest on the table between his fingers while he looked at Gaara. The man leaned back in his chair, the strong, slender fingers bringing the small glass to his lips and tipping it back before returning it, empty, to the table.

"You want to talk about what happened in the dungeon during the scene?" Gaara asked, his voice inflectionless.

"What? No, I mean, it's fine I just -," Naruto cut off when Gaara leveled a 'don't bullshit me look at him. Sighing, Naruto followed Gaara's example and emptied his glass. He set the glass on the steel of Gaara's desk, looking intently at the few drops in the bottom as though they held the answer to Gaara's enquiry. Finally, he looked up to meet Gaara's steady, green gaze. "Yeah, well. Let's just say I didn't have the best childhood. And the sound of leather hitting flesh isn't really a sound you really forget."

Gaara said nothing as he poured them each another drink.

"Will this be a problem for you?" Gaara asked, no judgement in his voice.

Naruto shook his head. "No. I mean, it was a shock. I've never... seen anything like that but by the end..." Naruto gave a lopsided smile. "Let's just say it was more than clear that even if it isn't my idea of pleasure - it definitely seemed to be theirs. Like you said, what happened there wasn't about violence or wanting to hurt someone." Naruto finished his second shot with a slight grimace.

Gaara tilted his head to the side as he took a sip from his glass. "You hide it well, you know."

Naruto blinked, feeling his body tense. "What do you mean?"

Gaara gave a casual shrug. "The darkness in you. You hide it well. Most people who look at you see someone happy and cheerful and totally comfortable in his own skin."

Naruto laughed as he looked off to the side of the room. "Yeah, and what makes you think I'm not?"

Gaara looked steadily at him until Naruto met his gaze. "Because I know what to look for."

Naruto shifted in his seat, feeling unsettled. He was comfortable with the happy-go-lucky mask that he wore, and didn't want to take it off for someone he just met. "Wasn't I supposed to meet the author or something tonight?"

Gaara sighed, but allowed Naruto to change the subject. "Yes. But he's late, as usual. It might actually be better if you take the photos first. That way, it will be through your own eyes, with no influence of anyone else."

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