Chapter 10 - One last time II

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He walked into the club, scanning the tables by the bar and expecting to see Naruto and Kiba sitting together. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw no sign of Kiba, and instead some man he'd never seen before was standing way too close to Naruto. Sasuke walked forward, narrowing his eyes as he took in the way the man was. looking at his boyfriend with clearly more than general friendliness on his mind. A flood of anger coursed through him at the sight. Who the fuck did that guy think he was? And where the hell was Kiba?

Abruptly, Naruto stood, staggering slightly, and Sasuke could hear Naruto telling the guy off even over the loud music even though he was still a few paces away.

"I said I'm not interested!" Naruto's voice was angry as he stood facing the other man, and Sasuke felt a surge of satisfaction at Naruto's firm refusal of the man's advances.

By then he had reached the two of them, and he decided to make it very clear that the blond was taken. He glared at the man, sliding an arm around Naruto's waist and tugging him back against him. "Naruto. Sorry I'm late. I didn't get your message until I got back to our apartment. Is this guy bothering you?"

The man looked at him, his eyes widening as Sasuke only intensified his glare. He could smell the alcohol on Naruto and it was clear the guy had been trying to take advantage of someone too wasted to know what they were doing. Luckily, even drunk, Naruto wasn't a cheater.

"Hey. I didn't think you'd make it," Naruto turned, and Sasuke's nose wrinkled slightly at the amount of alcohol on his breath. How much had Naruto had to drink? Sasuke was feeling a little annoyed about it but Naruto had pulled him down and was kissing him with a level of intensity that took Sasuke momentarily aback. It had been a long time since Naruto had kissed him like that.

Sasuke could feel the man's eyes on them, and he decided it was the perfect time to stake his claim. He angled his head slightly to the side, deepening the kiss. Naruto's tongue slid against his and the blond let out a low sound that Sasuke hadn't heard in far too long. His dick responded to the sound like its name had been called, rising to attention in his black jeans.

He felt Naruto grip his jacket, pulling him closer, all signs of anger from the previous day vanished from the hazy blue eyes that were now drifting closed. Maybe Suigetsu had been right... Sasuke suddenly realized that it had been way too long since he'd had sex. Naruto clearly seemed to agree by the way he was suddenly pressing Sasuke up against the bar. Things hadn't been like this between them since before they had started constantly fighting about Sasuke's job. Naruto thrust his tongue deeper into Sasuke's mouth, and the kiss had a desperate air that reminded Sasuke of back when they'd first started dating and they couldn't keep their hands off each other. They'd regularly end up fucking ucking in the stalls of the clubs they'd go to, unable to wait the short walk back to the dorms.

It had been a long time since either of them had been in the habit of carrying condoms and lube in their pocket, however, so that was not an option right now.

Naruto's lips slid down Sasuke's throat to suck harshly at the base of his neck. The heat and scent of Naruto's body triggered a cascading set of sensory memories, and suddenly all the months of stress and no time for sex left Sasuke gasping at the intensity of the need that pounded through him. His cock had gone from slightly aroused to ready to fuck in an instant. He spread his legs a bit wider, sliding his hands down over the curve of Naruto's ass and pulled him closer, desperate for more contact.

The sound of a throat being cleared brought Sasuke back to awareness of their very public location. Sasuke looked up, a glare on his face as he expected to see the same guy who had been hitting on Naruto still standing around.

Evidently they had been kissing for longer than he'd realized, because the guy was nowhere in sight. Instead, Kiba was standing there, looking slightly alarmed alarme about the level of animosity mosity in the glare Sasuke had sent his way. He lifted his hands in supplication, not wanting to deal with a pissed off, fully sober Uchiha.

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