Chapter 45 - Storms I

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Sasuke rang the buzzer at Neji's door. He still hadn't decided what he was going to do regarding the things Konan had told him, but that wouldn't change the conversation he had to have with Neji. Neji opened the door, his expression looking mildly curious. It was unusual for Sasuke to ask to come over this late at night.

"Sasuke," he said, stepping back so Sasuke could enter the apartment..

"Sorry for coming by so late," Sasuke began as he removed his shoes.

Neji's eyebrows rose at the words. "In the two years I've known you, I can probably count on one hand the number of times I've heard you say 'sorry'. And it was never for something as minor as coming by to my place when you'd called ahead and asked me if it was convenient to drop by. I would have said no if I didn't want you here, Sasuke." Neji looked at him for a moment. "What's wrong?"

Sasuke finished untying the laces of his second shoe, then placed his shoes neatly in the carved, teak shoe rack by the door.

"This conversation may call for alcohol," Sasuke said finally, reaching in his bag to pull out a bottle of high-end sake, handing it to Neji.

"Is there a problem with the project?" Neji asked, his eyes showing concern.

Somehow that statement made Sasuke relax. Neji's 'worst case scenario' was something going wrong with the project they'd worked on together. Work was Neji's priority. Just like it was Sasuke's. Or - at least it had been Sasuke's.

"No. The project is great. We made the latest 'Ones to Watch' list, remember?"

Neji snorted. "Yes, I have the issue. My uncle sent me a small card congratulating me. He didn't bother to sign it, but I'm sure it was the thought that counted." He rolled his eyes slightly at the comment and Sasuke felt his lips curve into an answering smirk. He was sure his own parents hadn't seen the magazine issue that had featured a list of the top 20 up-and-coming young innovators in Japan, but if they had, he had no doubt that all they would say would be that Itachi would have been number one if he had gone into engineering instead of saving lives. And even if they were right, Sasuke didn't really need to hear it for the ten thousandth fucking time. He had simply recycled the extra copies of the magazine that had been sent to him. There was no one for him to send it to.

Neji poured them each a glass, handing Sasuke one then taking the bottle over to the living room and placing it on a traditional low coffee table. Sasuke sat down across from Neji and took a sip from his glass but didn't drain it. Neji did the same.

"You've been distracted since your run-in with that intoxicated person at the bar last week," Neji ventured after a moment, clearly testing the waters.

Sasuke let out a breath. There was no point beating around the bush on this. Neji was far too perceptive to be fobbed off by anything less that the complete truth. Sasuke wouldn't insult him by being anything less than completely honest. "Yes."

Neji nodded slowly, finishing off his drink then pouring them both more. "It had seemed like things between you and your ex were quite final."

Sasuke emptied his freshly topped-off glass. "They were."

"Were. But they aren't anymore?" Neji asked astutely.

"I... don't know," Sasuke admitted.

Neji's hand tightened around his sake glass, the only sign that showed he was upset by the turn in conversation. "What would anything that... person said make you change your mind? He was obviously just angry. From what you'd told me, he was your ex's best friend. Why would you take anything he said seriously?"

"I didn't," Sasuke replied, finding it somewhat annoying that Neji was avoiding using Naruto's name. It wasn't as though the man didn't know it. "I'm not an idiot. Kiba never really was happy when Naruto was dating me in the first place."

"Then why let him get to you?" Neji queried.

Sasuke was silent for a moment. "Because what he said explained some of the things that didn't make sense about the way things ended."

"Why does it matter? You told me you didn't want anything to do with him anymore," Neji's voice had an edge of anger and something else that Sasuke didn't want to acknowledge.

"I didn't want anything to do with Naruto because if he was capable of walking away without a fight then he wasn't the man I thought I was dating."

Neji looked down at his empty sake glass for a moment, then slowly reached over to the bottle and refilled it. "And now you think maybe he left for some other reason, and you're not sure how you feel."

Sasuke hesitated, then nodded slightly.

"You know, whatever fucked up childhood he had wasn't your fault. Even if what Kiba said was all true, it doesn't make it your problem to go fix him. We all have baggage, Sasuke."

"I know that. This isn't about fixing Naruto."

"Then what is it about?" Neji asked, his voice sharp, but it was clear he already knew the answer.

"This, between us, wasn't supposed to get serious," Sasuke said after a moment gesturing slightly between them. "You told me about your family's plans for you. It didn't include me. That was laid out at the start, Neji."

"But that is still years away, Sasuke. You're walking away from this because...," Neji trailed off. "Do you even know if what Kiba said was true?"

Sasuke turned his glass slowly with his elegant fingers. "I spoke with someone from Children's Services."

Neji's eyebrows shot up at the admission. "You're really serious about him then, if you're willing to research his story after he walked out on you on probably the most important day of your career."


Neji looked off to the side of the room. "Do you even know if he's still interested in you? Presumably he left for a reason."

Sasuke shrugged slightly, ignoring the sting that the jab inflicted. "I don't know. And I might not even end up talking to him again, but I need to figure it out."

Neji didn't say anything, his mouth flattened into a thin line.

Sasuke stood, setting his glass on the table. "We work well together, Neji. But I can't offer more than that anymore."

Neji nodded tightly. "I appreciate that you told me, even if it wasn't what I wanted to hear."

Sasuke nodded in acknowledgement, Neji's words indicating that was time for Sasuke to leave.

Neither man spoke as Sasuke pulled his shoes on and left the apartment, the door closing behind him quietly but firmly.



I'll be back soon with the new chapter..
Take care and stay healthy and hydrated. love you all 🥰❤️

Cr : NaruLove11
1170 words

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