Chapter 17 - No Chance I

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Sasuke's stomach felt like lead as he watched Naruto walk away without looking back. Naruto had seemed to believe him when he said that there was nothing going on with Neji. But if Naruto had believed him, then why did he still seem so upset? Sasuke had never even thought about Neji as anything other than his co-team leader on the project. The tension that was gripping him was making his palms sweat. He stood there, frozen, not sure what to do or what to think.

"Everything ok?" Neji's calm voice came from right behind him.

Sasuke was still looking down the street where Naruto had disappeared. He didn't really know how to answer the question. He honestly... didn't know. It was a very unsettling feeling for him.

Neji looked at him assessingly, a hint of concern coloring his pale eyes. "I took care of the bill. Are you going home or are you going to the office?" Neji asked, his voice carefully neutral to avoid appearing to pry into Sasuke's personal business. Something Sasuke greatly appreciated about the man, particularly in that moment.

"Naruto is my boyfriend," Sasuke found himself saying, not sure why it suddenly was extremely important that he say it out loud. He turned to look at Neji, wanting to see the man's reaction. "We've been together for six years."

Neji raised an eyebrow, glancing down the same path Sasuke's eyes had been focused on. "Do you need to go home? I can cover you with the analyst call."

They both knew that Neji really couldn't. He worked for a different company and wouldn't know how the current project fit in with the other things going on in the company the way Sasuke did. Neji wouldn't be able to highlight the right things. Plus, this was clearly a make or break moment in Sasuke's career. It wasn't every day that the CEO asked you to be his right-hand-man on an important PR moment like this.

"No," Sasuke said, finally. "Naruto gave me his word that we'd talk about... this... when I get home. He will keep his word. I'm sure... we can... sort it all out."

Neji frowned slightly. "If you need me to talk to him, I'd be happy to confirm that this was strictly business."

"I... no. He believed me. I just don't know why-" Sasuke stopped himself. Naruto's expression when he'd left kept swimming in Sasuke's head. What had happened? What was wrong?

"You don't know why..." Neji prompted, handing Sasuke his bag that Sasuke had left behind in the restaurant in his rush to go after Naruto. Sasuke accepted it automatically, slinging it over his shoulder.

"He introduced himself to you as my roommate. Why would he do that?" Sasuke wasn't sure if he was talking to himself or Neji. He felt like he was trying to see through a brick wall. Things had seemed to be getting better over the past few months but now... Sasuke didn't know.

Neji shrugged, "He probably knew that you hadn't discussed your relationship status with anyone at work. Maybe he thought you didn't want us to know? Did he think your orientation would put your job at risk?"

While Neji's explanation was logical, Sasuke somehow knew that it wasn't right. He turned as they headed to Neji's car. "I don't know." Naruto had been clear that he preferred to talk when Sasuke had finished this meeting and they were at home in private. Sasuke trusted that Naruto would tell him what was wrong so they could talk it out. Naruto had never been one to hold back on what he thought when Sasuke had fucked up in the past. Sasuke wondered what had happened, but figured they'd fight it out like they usually did. He was only feeling unsettled because usually he knew when he'd done something to piss Naruto off, and this time he really wasn't sure.

"I'm sure you'll get it sorted out when you get home, Neji said. "Should we talk through the key points that you need your CEO to make on the call?"

Sasuke hesitated for a moment, then nodded. He just needed to get through the call, then he would go home and find out what the fuck was going on.


Naruto put the last bag of his camera equipment into the trunk of his car. He'd already called Kiba and asked if he could crash at his place. He knew that the conversation with Sasuke was not going to go well, and he didn't want to have to sleep there that night. Throwing his camera equipment into his car in the middle of a big fight seemed like a particularly stupid idea given the cost of some of his lenses, so he had decided to do it before Sasuke got back. And it gave him something to do while he waited.

He'd packed up some of his clothes and the things he'd need for work for the next few days. If things went the way he expected them to, he'd come back and move the rest of his stuff out later that week.

It felt... strange. For so long, all he'd ever wanted was Sasuke. He could hardly believe that he was actually the one walking away. His stomach twisted, and he wondered if he was doing the right thing. He had never felt as close to someone as he did with Sasuke. He might never find anything like this again. Was he really ready to do this?

He closed his eyes, his head falling back as memories of the misery he'd felt for the past two years washed through him. Yes. This was the right thing to do. He couldn't keep on like this. He needed someone in his life, not just brushing past it. And Sasuke clearly needed... someone else. Naruto didn't know whether Sasuke would end up with Neji or not, but it was clear that Naruto didn't hold Sasuke's interest anymore. It would probably hurt less to be alone than to be with someone who constantly made him feel unworthy and in the way. He didn't fool himself about how much he would miss Sasuke. It was going to kill him. But he had to leave, or he would slowly be destroyed.

But the waiting was unbearable. Now that he'd made up his mind, he just wished it was already over. He didn't want to hurt Sasuke, but other than pricking his pride, Naruto didn't expect Sasuke to be that upset. After all, how much could Sasuke really care anymore if he couldn't even be bothered to show up most of the time?

Naruto had already packed everything he could fit into his car, so there was nothing really left to do except wait. Naruto tried to read a book or watch TV, but he found his mind couldn't stay focused on anything. Finally, he decided he could at least do some cleaning in the kitchen and the bathroom while he waited. Sasuke usually did that, but it would give Naruto something to do with his hands and occupy his mind until Sasuke came back.



Thank you from the bottom of my heart to those who've voted already. ☺️
I'll be back soon with the new chapter..
Take care and stay healthy and hydrated. love you all 🥰❤️

Cr : NaruLove11
1196 words

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