chapter 2

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He walks his way to the large wall filling door,taking a deep breath before deciding to knock.

"come in." a low voice called from inside. Jisung almost lost his shit. Maybe the caffeine was effecting him but just hearing Mr Lee's voice made him go ballistic. Quickly, the man fixed his posture and walked in.

"Good morning Mr Lee" he bowed then raised himself back up. "mhm.." Minho replied. He didn't really care about what Jisung had said and it showed.

the disrespect! i just bowed to him and said good fucking morning. could at least say hello! Jisung mentally screamed at minho before taking a seat in the chair he always sits in while waiting for Mr Lee to say something.

It took a while for Minho to even look up at Jisung so the boy excused himself saying he was going to help some employees. not actually though. he was just going to find felix.

Surprisingly minho didn't even care. he just nodded as if he didn't even need his secretary.

YES! i've finally escaped that monster Mr Lee! no more seeing his annoying face.

There was actually a time where jisung thought minho was a sadist but that didn't make any sense as he and jisung didn't have an intimate relationship. Well except for...but that didn't matter.

In fact jisung could count the amount of times minho had even bowed to him on his fingers!

once he reached the elevator and got in jisung's phone dinged,other employees looking at him for less than 3 seconds before the boy pulled out his phone seeing what it was.

Mr lee (the monster)
i made a mistake. i need you to come
back. asap or 10600 won off your pay.

Jisung let out an exasperated sigh through his nose before waiting for the elevator to ground before making his way back up to where he had previously been.

Once arrived in the modern themed office again jisung bowed again. "yes sir? what do you need?"

"we have a business trip to attend in a few weeks or so. sign the paper on the table to show you're showing up. be awake and here by 5:30am or we leave without you and you wasted your time." minho mumbled whilst typing something on his computer.

"why do we do this again.." jisung sighed before signing the papers and sitting down back in his seat as usual. Minho took Jisung by surprise when he actually replied to him. "because the company wants to give us an experience and look on our outlets around the world."

Minho himself seemed absolutely pissed about the fact that he had to go on another business trip. it was probably their 7th and they were in October. Their seventh shouldn't exist until their 7th year working-according to Minho.

Really the soul reason that the boss of the company was so annoyed was that every single time they even left the city he was stuck with Han Jisung.

The two had this kind of unspoken argument just constantly running between eachother. It sprouted when Jisung was in his first month of work. Back then Minho was a lot nicer,he'd leave coffee on the table for both he and Jisung. he'd even say good morning and good night to the secretary all the time. That was until 2 years ago when Jisung and him went on their first business trip. The company didn't do that many trips back then. To minho those were the better days for the company.

During Jisung's first business trip he was used as a translator to english and malay as he grew up in Malaysia and knows the language fairly well. Whereas Minho translated Japanese,mandarin and French.

On the last two days the company group were free. One of the units cancelled so they had time to go around New York City and explore. Only for it to go down hill from there.

blind to my secretary [minsung]Where stories live. Discover now