chapter 7

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The two boys made their way to Jisung's shared office with Minho.

Once Jisung and Jeongin entered they were surprised to see Minho half asleep whilst his hand was supporting his head.

"Mr Lee?" Jisung called.

Surprisingly this actually woke the half asleep boy up and he stared at Jisung and a boy he didn't recognise at all.

"Jisung. hey...?" Minho checked the time before getting more confused. "You're not actually supposed to be back for a few minutes. and you're supposed be back alone...?" The younger puffed his cheeks out. "Well Hyunjin is still in a meeting and it felt weird if i left his secretary;Mr Yang in the room by himself."

Minho cringed at Jisung using Hyunjin's name instead of Mr Hwang but tried to pass by it.

"Fine. Stay with him on the seats and don't bother me unless you really need to." Although the elder liked to say Jisung didn't really annoy him right now he just did. No reasoning. Maybe his tired state was the reason but Minho was still annoyed with the boy.

A conversation later Hyunjin came to the office.

"Minhooo!! You stole my friend and secretary. You're really greedy you know." Hyunjin spoke as he saw Jeongin seated with Jisung as they played rock,paper,scissors.

Minho groaned and muttered under his breath. "Sometimes i wonder if you have blood or fucking vodka running through your veins." Hyunjin looked at Minho surprised. "Just so you know Mr moody pants...It's both."

Minho shook his head and just looked back at his work. "I really wonder how you control a department when you're this immature." Hyunjin frowned. "I'm always being mature. Meanie. Come on Jeongin lets go." Jeongin shrugged at Jisung and bid goodbye while following Hyunjin out.

After Jeongin and Hyunjin left the room was quiet. All that could be heard was Minho typing or writing things down. After atleast an hour in silence Jisung almost fell asleep. That was until an alarm was heard. He jumped up in fear.

He checked his phone to see if he accidentally set an alarm but it wasn't his phone but Minho's. He'd noticed when the man got up and put his coat on.

"Sir? Where are you headed?" The tired man asked.

Minho looked at him and sighed. "A blind date..."

(A/N: sorry for the short chapter😣😣 i just wanted to update!!)

blind to my secretary [minsung]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora