chapter 5

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Once Jisung arrived home from his rant to Seungmin about basically everything that had happened that day he ran to his cat, dori.

Since Jisung moved out of his family house,leaving behind his sister and mother, dori has been the only kind of home he has left with him in his new apartment. That was part the reason he loved his cat so much.

Whilst the tired boy was laying down on his couch with cat on his lap his phone started ringing which distracted him from watching his favorite movie-Howl's moving castle.

He picked up the vibrating phone and held it to his ear after picking up. "Hello?"

"Hi Jisung! It's chan. Are you free to speak?"
The elder spoke through the phone. "Yeah! I'm free. You can say whatever you need sir."

"Okay well you see I know it could be a sensitive topic but it's about Minho."

As soon as the younger heard that he wanted to scream but held himself back as this was his superior who he was talking to.

"Right i know it's a lot but could you please try to get along with Minho? He's been working overtime because he wants to work like before - without the thick air and tension. And i personally just want to know why you're still holding a grudge...It's been a couple years now and he was drunk can't actually only blame him for what happened."

Although before Jisung was annoyed he was now kind of sad. His boss worked overtime because of him and although yes Minho didn't explain his case Jisung still stayed mad at him all these years.

"I err. Yeah i'll try get along with him. But another call is coming through now i have to go. Bye sir!" The saddened boy rushed to get off the phone to look through his contacts before finding Minho's

Mr Lee (the monster)

Sorry to text so late but are you
available to speak?
read 23:43

Mr Lee i know you've read it. Could you
please just answer?


you want to speak to me?

Yes. but only quickly. Please?

Okay. make it quick.

Okay so I just want to apologise.
I've kind of held this whole "you took
my first time" against you for so long
now. As much as i don't forgive you i'd like
to try and get along.

That's fine. I never expected forgivness.

You didn't?

Of course not. We were both drunk
but i woke up remembering most of
what happened and didn't tell you.

How can i expect forgivness from you?


Well my cat is coughing
up a fur ball so i have to go. Bye Mr Lee.

Jisung sighed as he threw his phone to the other side of the couch. "He didn't even expect forgiveness. He's way nicer than he has to be." He groaned to himself.


Minho stared at the phone in shock. "Did Jisung just...apologise?" he furrowed his eyebrows and set his phone on the bedside table and relaxed a bit before falling asleep.


The next morning Minho woke up in a half decent mood. After Jisung's apology he slept well and didn't have a worry before sleeping. He had no idea that a simple sorry could change his night.

Tiredly the man reached out for his phone. As he looked through his notifications one in particular caught his eye.


Chan told me about you working
overtime. Tommorow afternoon I
want you in my office.

"He did not actually tell my dad." Minho gasped. Then rushed to get ready.

Once Minho was ready he got into his car and drove to his workplace.

When the male arrived he rushed his way to Chan's office. "Chan!!!" After the boy had shouted the door opened and he was greeted with a smiling man standing just inside the office. "Is there an issue min?" the elder held back a laugh as Minho stood there unamused.

"You actually told my dad about the whole working overtime thing?"

"Well not the whole thing. He doesn't know about Jisung but i did tell him that you was working overtime instead of finding a lovely partner." Minho sighed and ran his hands through his hair. "You're so done." Chan laughed once again. "Okay Minho. Okay."


Jisung had just arrived to the building and made his way to the 22nd level as usual. He wasn't really feeling any better about work but he had to try and see the better in it.

The elevator dinged and halted. Jisung then stood up right ready to leave.

The doors opened and he walked to Minho's office bowing to those working in the mini offices.

Once the boy reached the wall filling door he didn't bother knocking as he genuinly had to go help Hyunjin's new secretary. Since Taehyun left the company was on a search for a new secretary for the busy man. It took weeks but they managed to get ahold of a good enough secretary for the classy boss.

Since they were new Jisung was assigned to help them. Yet when Jisung walked in he was met with a heart stopping surpirise. The chairman was sat at Minho's desk.

"Chairman Lee." Jisung spoke as he bowed. "Is there a particular reason you're here sir?"

The older man cleared his throat before speaking. "I'm waiting for Minho. I don't suppose you've seen him." The younger shook his head. "I expected him to be here working. Usually he is here from an early time." The elderly man just sighed. "This boy is really getting on my last nerve."

Jisung started to feel extremly intimitaed so he bowed and quickly said he had to leave. "Sorry sir. I was assigned to help the new secretary. Mr Yang. I won't be able to stay much longer." Once again the boy bowed before running out the room and down the hallway. Determined to escape the fear he felt near the Chairman.

After running down the hallway and definitely earning stares Jisung made it to the elevator. He pressed the button with a silver arrow going down. When the doors opened Jisung was met with Minho who seemed shocked to see Jisung.

"I was assigned to help a new secretary today if you was confused...and erm...the chairman is in your office." Jisung quickly explained. "Oh yeah okay..." Minho left the elevator and Jisung walked in. Luckily for Jisung as soon as the two exchanged places the door shut.

blind to my secretary [minsung]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora