chapter 10

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While taking his next task Jisung was a bit happier,he'd spoken to another secretary who actually did intimidate him nor act shady towards him due to his boss. That happened to often within the office and it pissed Jisung off.

Yes his boss is a quiet,annoying boss to those who work for him but that does not mean that his secretary is anything like him.

Soon enough the day end was nearing. Jisung had one last task left.

"Sir is there anything else?" Jisung asked as he walked into the office with the pile of papers he requested. "yes i need to confirm our flight to new york and if we're in the right hotel then you're free to leave." Jisung's bubbly behaviour visibly dropped.

The mention of new york seemed to just naturally ruin his mood. no matter how happy he could possibly be.

"yes sir." he mumbled. "i'll go to the trip department and see."

The boy slipped out the small gap in the door and walked to the trips department hoping everyone had to gone home so he didn't have to invest in the task anymore.

Unluckily his hopes were not met and almost the whole team were still sat conversing while working too. Such great multitaskers.

"excuse me?" jisung spoke at a moderate tone with a hint of sweetness.

One of the girls looked up. Again Jisung didn't recognise who it was. He didn't actually socialise with anyone who wasn't in his department and in that sense he means minho's.

"Hi! You're Mr Lee's secretary right?" she spoke and Jisung only nodded. "Come in, come in." she waved her hands towards herself so he had no other option but to go over if he wanted to seem like a civil person.

"I'm here for the confirmation of the New York hotel rooms and plane ride." She nodded and typed a bit on her computer before showing him everything he should need and more.

"Well that should be good! Thank you miss...?"

"Yoo Jeongyeon!!" Jisung smiled and nodded. "i'll keep that in mind! Thank you Miss Yoo!" He walked away and went back to the office ready to go to the café,talk to seungmin then go home and see his favourite kitty.

Once he got his stuff he bowed to Minho and finally got to leave.

Quickly the boy jumped into his car and drove to seungmin's place of work to speak to him.

"Any new news or is it still about your 'horrific' boss that you just can not stand when at this point you should just sit on his lap and kiss him." Jisung gagged. "sit on him? ew." seungmin nodded. "relieve the obvious sexual tension you two have." Jisung just sighed and let his head fall onto the bar table.

On the other hand minho has only one person stuck in his head and its Seungmin. Maybe Yuqi was right. Maybe he had fallen for this boy.

He let his mind run laps around seungmin's name before he realised he could have the chance to see the boy again before he was forced to go home without seeing this boy. Quickly he packed away his files and he went to see it the café was open.

"Are you gonna eat or drink anything? every time you come you just tell me your problems then complain when i dont tell you what you want to hear which quite frankly is 'your boss is a dick. you should file a complaint.' and just so you know i dont support that." Jisung huffed. "not at all!! i get my coffee in the morning." seungmin sighed. "whatever."

Anyways,anything good happen today?" Seungmin looked up. "finally,you asked!! as per usual nothing really." Jisung sighed. "you work in this cute ass café and there isn't one damn person that makes your day interesting?" seungmin shakes his head. "its work not relationship work but you wouldn't relate" the boy giggled and in less than a second jisung's head was back on the table.

(A/N: im going to the skz london concert thing🤭)

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