chapter 11

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Minho has finally arrived to the café luckily it wasn't locked up.

He turned the car off hiding any valuables in the back seat then took his card and phone to make his way in.

The bell above the door dinged and seungmin's head rose and went to attend the new customer.

"Hi i'm seungmin i'll-" Seungmin looked at the person and immediately recognised them. "you're the guy who was on the blind date! welcome back."

Minho's words were very much stuck in his throat. "yeah...hi!" what was he meant to say?

'Hi i came to see you because i need to get over my stupid obsession with my secretary and i sorta like you.' there was no way he'd ever say that aloud. not right now at least.

"Do you mind sitting here?" He pointed to the seat next to jisung who was now slouching over the table and sipping on his iced americano. "My friend just finished work and we were talking,i'd hate to leave one of you unattended."

he wants to speak to me? no.way. i don't care who is sat in that seat i'm sitting there and im admiring this cool café worker, seungmin.

"yeah,i dont mind!"

turns out i cared who was sat in that seat.

As Minho sat down the boy who was previously slouching over the table looked up and his face formed an unreadable expression.

Han Jisung.

Han jisung was that friend seungmin just spoke about.

"oh." Minho wanted to explode. what on earth did he mean 'oh.'

"Jisung?" Minho asked as if he was seeing thing. "Are you delusional. who do i look like Minho? Mr Song the security guard?"

"Whatever." Minho spoke in a hushed tone in no want to start and argument although this part in him did want to.

"Are you two..." Seungmin didn't know what to say. He knew his closest friend didn't have an ex boyfriend per say but many ex hookups but yet again it's weird to just speak up about it. Although Seungmin didn't say what he thought Jisung knew. "He's not an ex hookup he is the first one."

Seungmin looked at the two before his eyes widened and his jaw almost dropped.

"You're Jisung's boss-"

Minho then realised that Jisung had to of spoken about the whole thing to Seungmin.

"You told him?"

"he's my best friend?!"

"and you just tell your best friend everything about you sexual life?"

"you don't?"

"no because it's something private!"

"maybe it's because you're a sex deprived,sadass with no friends and thats why you don't tell anyone anything! it's not like i went up to him and explained how you fucking groaned in my ears while you pounded my ass. i told him that my boss fucked me. Its really not that bad." Minho's face tinted red at the response Jisung splurged out but it still annoyed him that Jisung called Mimho a sex deprived sadass.

"Im not sex deprived nor a sadass i just don't rant about who i fuck to the friends i indeed have."

This childish argument just went on for a while before Jisung sighed in an annoying way because his mouth felt dry.

"My mouth is dry and my americano is done. I have no business arguing with you anymore. You can shut up now." the elder almost died in anger, he didn't want to continue the pathetic argument either but he did sort of want the last say. It didn't matter at that point anyways because his body moves faster than his brain functions. "Im sorry." He mumbled.

Jisung looked up at him with a raised brow.

did he just apologise?

Minho tinted red again.

did i just apologise?

"Yeah...i guess i'm sorry too." That left minho in shock.

"I'll get going now...bye..." before leaving he went up to seungmin to ask of three things

The boy's number,an iced americano and paper.

Seungmin nodded at all three without an issue which raised Minho's mood although it was late at night at this point. Once everything was given to Minho he quickly pulled out his phone to save seungmin's number. He then pulled aside the iced americano making space to write a little something on the paper he was given with the pen he had in his trouser pocket.

sorry for making your mouth dry. i hope you have space for another americano! i really hope you understand i'm sorry for everything and i'd like to turn a new page and see where it takes us.
sleep well,

After Minho placed the two items on jisung's table and scurried away like a mouse the younger with a dry mouth looked at the new found items.

An iced americano and paper.

He unfolded the note and read it.

god did he misunderstand that.

(A/N: i want to jump out my window and be free from a stupid life that is just tireless work that sets me up for disappointment.)

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