chapter 6

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After the doors shut to the elevator Minho made his way to his office. Once at the door he took a deep breath and walked in.

"Father you said to meet you in your office this afternoon. This isn't your office nor is it the afternoon." Minho did find his father a bit annoying. He'd prefer if the man would keep to his word and not surpise him.

"Where are your manners? You should at least bow to me." Minho rolled his eyes and bowed. "Now. Why on earth have you been working overtime? I've set up so many blind dates for you. Have you just not gone to any?!" The man being scolded pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance. "Father. I'm not interested in having a girlfriend or a wife. I just want to keep working and when i fall in love then i'll think about a partner." The elderly man sighed. "I'm near a point of retirement and I need you to marry so you can take over the chairman spot. Even if it's fake."

"I really dont want to marry someone i'm not interested in though." His father then got annoyed. "Then attend the blind dates i set up for you and maybe you'll find someone you like." Minho groaned. "Fine. But can you get out my office now?" The chairman nodded and left.

Now i have to go to these stupid dates. I don't even like women. For fuck sake.

Minho groaned again and set his head back on the chair.


Jisung had just made it to level 17. This is where Hyunjin's office was located. He sped his way there since he was already late.

Once he arrived he knocked on the door. "Mr Hwang?" A movement was heard before the door opened. "Jisung!!" Hyunjin and him had gotten moderatly close since their last New York trip. "Good morning Mr Hwang!" Hyunjin sighed. "I told you to call me Hyunjin!!"

"But it's so unprofessional!" Hyunjin stood and contemplated for a while then gasped. "I think Minho has rubbed off on you...all you care about is profession..." Jisung's eyes went wide. "Never insult me like that again inbred squirrel!" Hyunjin burst out laughing. "Did you just call me an inbred squirrel...?" Jisung just sighed and shook his head.

"Anyways. Where is the secretary?"

"He should be here arround 10:30." Jisung looked at the time on his phone. "That's in 10 minutes." The taller nodded. "I kn-" Just as he was about to finish what he was saying there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Hyunjin called. Jisung really heard the contrast between Hyunjin and Minho. Hyunjin was way more lively whereas Minho...he was something.

Mr Yang opened the door shyly to see if it was the right room before bowing respectfully.

"Hello! My name is Yang Jeongin! I think i'm your new secretary?" Hyunjin smiled. "Yes you are!" Jeongin smiled. "Thats good that i went to the right office. This level has so many..." The taller nodded "Yeah...well since you're here i'm going to have to leave. I have a few meetings to attend but since you're new you need to know a lot of stuff which i would do but obviously i cant. So i have the best. The most hardworking. The-" Jisung slapped his hand over Hyunjin's mouth "I'm. Han Jisung. Mr Lee's secretary. I'll be helping you with stuff you need to know and more." He held his arm out to shake hands with the new employee which Jeongin happily accepted.

"Now Hyunjin you have a meeting do you not? why don't you go to it." Jisung smiled briefly at the end. "You're mean." The taller said before walking out the room.

"Okay. So as Mr Hwangs secretary there isn't much you have to know. He's a bright person and honestly he doesn't make you work too much. His old secretary and I used to always speak about how nice he was. Yet there is some stuff you have to know."

Jeongin nodded.

"Alright so..."

Jisung went on to explain what office member did what and who to be careful with. It didn't really take long and and Jisung didn't have to actually be anywhere until 11:30 and it was only 10:50 so the two just spoke casually for a while and did introductions.

"Well. You already know that My name is Jisung. Sooo...erm...i really don't know what to say. I'm 23..." Jeongin sat awkwardly not knowing what to say either. "Gosh this really is awkward." The two sighed in frustration. "Introductions suck."

"Why not skip it for now and we can go to my bosses office and annoy him." The younger didnt think twice before nodding.

blind to my secretary [minsung]Where stories live. Discover now