chapter 13

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The two men hadn't woken up for hours. Clearly they weren't made for the office life although they enjoyed it so much. It was only when a cleaning staff had walked into the office at around midnight that Jisung had woken up.

"Excuse me?" the lady called as she carefully shook jisung's shoulder. "Sir it's way past working hours,you should go home." Jisung's eyes slowly opened and he looked around. It wasn't his apartment. Not even close. He was still in the office.

"Oh erm yeah..." Jisung stood up. He looked around the room and his eyes caught minho asleep at his desk.

"Mr lee?" he mumbled.

The cleaning lady just shrugged not understanding why Jisung didn't leave so she went off to clean another office on the level.

Without actually wanting to Jisung reached his hand out and shook Minho gently.

"Mr lee?" The elder didn't respond,he just moved his head a bit before resting again.

Jisung sighed. "Mr lee!!" The man opened his eyes a bit. "Finally." Minho's eyebrows furrowed. "what?" his voice was raspy. Jisung found it unusually attractive and his face tinted pink. "Er , we fell asleep and i thought i'd wake you up so you can go home."

"ahh okay" That raspy voice again , Jisung's face heated up again. "Well i'm going to leave now sir..goodnight." Jisung bowed but Minho pulled him back by the wrist.


"yes sir?"

Minho was tired and was trying to make sense of what was running through his mind.

"Can i- Will you- oh forget it. its fine go home." Jisung raised an eyebrow. "im curious now. tell me."

"There is nothing to exactly...tell." Jisung just got even more confused. Why was Minho so confusing.

"Just say it."

"there is nothing to say."

"act it out something. i don't want to stay curious. i'd rather know."

Minho looked jisung in the eye. "And what if i act it out on you?"


Before Jisung could even process what was said he felt soft lips pressed against his.

At first the younger was stiff,he didn't know how to react for a few seconds. That was until he finally melted into the kiss. Their lips moved together and Jisung's face heated up again.

Jisung laid his hand on the table to balance and minho rolled his chair forward a bit to get closer to Jisung.

"excuse me. you guys need to leave." the cleaning lady was back and wanted them out. clearly she didn't care one bit about the scene unfolding in front of her eyes.

The two immediately broke away when hearing a voice.

The two boys looked at each other before Jisung's face got too hot for him to handle so he recollected his stuff and scurried out.

Minho sighed and took up his stuff in hopes of getting to the elevator without having to wait for the next one.

Once he got there the doors just started closing so he quickly put his hand in the gap for the doors to re open.

the males locked eyes almost as fast as they broke the eyes contact.

"are we going to talk about that...?" Minho spoke buy Jisung didn't want to hear any of it. His raspy voice,the memories of what just happened. The way he kissed back so willingly. The fact that minho could have feelings for him. Everything was running through his head and started annoying him.

"You kissed me so you explain. i have nothing to say, its not like i expected it." Jisung felt annoyed. He was so adamant on forgiving Minho before they'd even purposely high five again. He couldn't believe they had just kissed. Jisung also couldn't believe that he enjoyed it.

"What do you think i meant by kissing you Jisung."

"I don't know...?"

"Be serious."

"You kissed me because you like to kiss people...?" Call the boy crazy but Jisung would not admit to the feeling that Minho might have the slightest feelings towards him.

"I'm not a kiss whore. You're so oblivious. Just forget it." Minho then walked off to his car and got in.

Jisung was then left to stare at the boy leaving.

does he like actually have feelings for me..?

[a/n: i cant do this anymore😭 i just want them happily married with 2 kids and a cute home. Also not proof read☺️]

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