Chapter 10: Another Deal?

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Sleeping peacefully in your bed, you were cradling something heavy and warm to your chest. The sun was beaming through the blinds causing you to stir. Usually, waking up was a simple task for you. You were a morning person after all. You groaned when the first beam of sunlight hit your face.

"Ohh," you stirred.

You felt your head ached, "Arghh, seems like I drank a lot yesterday."

You slowly opened your eyes. Adjusting on the light, you saw someone on top of you, resting on your chest.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!" you shouted out loud in surprised! You pushed the person off the bed.

"Ouch!" you heard him groaned in pain.

You sat up and look down the floor, "Shen Quanrui?! W-what are doing on my bed?!"

"Y-You! You were sleeping over my chest!" you shouted.

"Arghh, that hurts! So loud in the morning," Ricky sat up in your room floor.

"E-explain yourself," you demanded.

"Hey, you're so drank yesterday you don't even remember what happened," Ricky stood up and straighten his shirt.

"You called me. The ajumma in the Pojangmacha told me to pick you up coz you're way too drunk. I brought you back here. When I was about to go out you cried again. Th-then, Y-you.." Ricky stuttered on his last sentence.

"Then I?" you wondered what was the last sentence. Then your head ached again. "Oh my head!"

Then, all of a sudden all of the things happened last night flashed into your mind. You remembered drinking five bottles of soju, crying out loud in the pojacmacha, being carried in the back by Shen Quanrui, and even kissing him!

"Ahhhhhhhhh!" you shouted in embarrassment.

You put both of your hands to cover your face. You can feel that your face was turning red as tomato.

"Hah, you remembered what you did," Ricky smirked.

"That was not counted. That's an accident! I didn't mean to do it! I was so drunk!" you said still covering your face in embarrassment.

"That was the second accident, if you're saying that it's an accident again," Ricky said referring to the kiss.

"What was the first one?" you asked.

"At the airport in LA," he responded shortly.

"You have a habit in kissing people accidentally," Ricky told you nonchalantly.

"W-what? It's not a habit! I don't kiss a lot of people. You're the only person I kissed in my life!" you suddenly blurted out. You were shocked on what you had said. Why does it look like that you are confessing?

"Oh," Ricky was a bit surprised. "You are too,,,the only person I kissed." Ricky mumbled but enough to be heard.

The atmosphere became a bit awkward.

Ricky suddenly cleared his throat, "Ahem, I'll just stepped out a bit."

"You're leaving now?" you asked, as you stood up from the bed.

"I'll be borrowing your bathroom later. I'll just get my stuff from my car. I can't possibly go back home now and go back here in the university. It's more than an hour drive from our dorm," Ricky explained as he stepped out from the bedroom door.

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