Chapter 1: Konton

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Oni are mythical creatures from Japanese folklore, typically depicted as horned ogres with superhuman strength and a fierce, intimidating appearance. They are often associated with evil and are believed to be responsible for causing harm and mischief to humans.

In Japanese mythology, Oni are said to inhabit the spirit world and occasionally cross over into the human world, where they cause trouble and wreak havoc. They are often depicted as cannibalistic and bloodthirsty, and their appearance varies depending on the region and the tale being told.

Some Oni include having the ability to change their appearance.

While it is true that Oni are often depicted as malevolent beings in Japanese folklore, some stories portray them in a more positive light. For example, some tales suggest that Oni can be appeased or even befriended by humans, leading to rewards such as gold or protection from other supernatural entities.

In these stories, Oni are sometimes depicted as powerful but ultimately benevolent beings, capable of both great mischief and great kindness. Like many mythical creatures, their nature and behavior vary depending on the tale being told and the cultural context in which it is presented.

You must be wondering why I am telling you all of this. Well, in this kingdom, barely noticed by the world or even the world map, the men, women, and children all extol and worship the Oni hoping that the Oni would give them lots and lots of gold to expand their kingdom, help the poor, and millions of other reasons.

The Oni said to the people, "I shall promise you gold."

The people cheered. However, the Oni was not yet down speaking.

"I shall promise you gold so long as you promise my friends and me food, shelter, water, and anything else I ask of you." He spoke again.

The people did not care about the conditions so long as they got their sweet gold.

This all happened a mere dynasty ago. Now, more Oni came to live in this developing kingdom. Since the Oni took over most of the kingdom, not a lot of humans lived in the kingdom anymore. They took up most of the space. The only humans that lived in the kingdom now were the king of Okemia and the guards that stayed in the castle. The Oni helped in building the kingdom.

Over time, the kingdom developed a new name. Okemia.

The Oni have not only promised gold but protection as well. The Oni and humans fought together at war against other humans. Most Oni lekker the thrill of killing as they always have for many more dynasties.

However, there was this one Oni, a female Oni. Her name was Akashi. Though most Oni have their hellish looks, this Oni looked more beautiful than most. She had long black hair. Her teeth were not as long as the other Oni but still sharp. Her skin was red and flawless. However, beauty wasn't looked upon when it came to Oni's. It was their lust for killing. Akashi was not into relentlessly killing humans. Long ago there was once peace in humans. She just had to find it again.

She knew she would not find any in the kingdom that she was in. So she decided that at night she would leave and adventure off. She sat in her room waiting for night to come.

Her room was big enough for her to sit in but for her to move around she'd have to crawl.

Although she was a young Oni, she was still quite tall. The human-sized houses were not easy for her to live in but she managed. It was better than nothing. Her bed was quite small as well.

She'd have to tuck her feet into her chest when she slept. Her blanket covered her from the chest to her ankles. So most nights her feet were cold. She had a nightstand with a tiny lamp right next to the bed she slept in. The lamp was normal to humans but to Oni, the lamp is not very easy to turn on and off. So she always has to be very careful.

Although the Oni and humans lived together, they never considered making life easy for the Oni. They only cared for gold and war. Things in this world are but peaceful.

If you're still wondering what this is about. This story is about how Akashi, the only peaceful Oni, created a new Era of Oni.

This is the story of how Akashi changed the world.

Word count: 743

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