Chapter 21: The New Era of Oni

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The ex-king of Okemia who had enslaved the Oni for years had got off of his rowing boat. He was at sea for days. He was starving and dehydrated. It was a miracle that he had gotten to land alas. Things were looking good for him. Though he felt weak, he still needed to carry his gold. He threw the bag over his shoulder and immediately fell over. He got up and dragged it as he walked away.

When he looked up in the distance, he realized that there was a kingdom not too far away. He decided to go there to eat and drink. So he walked. He got closer and closer to falling over when he finally got to the front gates. The guards that stood at the front door looked at him. He still wore his crown but smelled horrible of body odor. The guards, being so cruel as they always wore, looked at each other and then decided to speak.

"So what circus did you come from, clown?" One of the guards said.

They both laughed. Louder and louder while the ex-king of Okemia's head pounded more and more. He walked past them, still dragging his bag of gold behind him. The first thing he saw was a soup shop. He walked over and sat down on the chair. The cook was a muscular woman. She had heard the guards laughing as she watched the man walk in. She smirked.

"What do you want?" The woman said.

"Food." The ex-king said.

The woman understood and cooked up a bowl of soup. Once she was done she placed it in front of the ex king. He immediately started eating the food like a wild animal. There was something off with the soup though. The ex-king of Okemia knew this because the smirk on her face would not leave.

Then the ex-king realized what was wrong with the soup. It was spicy. He jumped out of his seat and tried to blow air in his mouth by waving his hand. People around him watched as he cried out.

"Hot! Hot! Hot!" He yelled.

Everyone laughed and cried. The front gate guards walked in to see the commotion. They began to laugh when they realized what was happening.

Later on, the news of the ex-king of Okemia entering arrived at the king of Rupert. This news was not a surprise to the king. He had planned this out.

Once the king of Akshara had sent out the sixth guard to have his soldiers attend the war, he realized what he had to do. The kingdom of Okemia did not stand a chance against all those kingdoms. So the king of Okemia would run away. When the sixth guard left the kingdom, the king of Rupert sent out a guard to murder him.

Once the sixth guard was murdered, he sent out another guard to give a different letter to the king of Okemia before the war. That letter invited the ex-king of Okemia to come to the kingdom of Rupert in difficult times.

It was odd to the ex-king of Okemia to be invited to the kingdom of Rupert with those exact words once the war happened but he had to find answers. That is why he sailed out to the kingdom of Rupert.

When the whole commotion with the hot sauce was over, and the ex-king of Okemia calmed down his taste buds, he headed to the castle. He refused to pay the muscular lady for her rudeness but in all truthfulness, his reaction to the hot sauce was all she needed.

Once the ex-king of Okemia came upon the castle the guard hesitated to let him in but then noticed his legs shaking. They let the poor guy in.

Then the ex-king of Okemia walked into the castle and into the throne room where the king of Rupert sat. He came up to the throne and bowed his head. It felt odd to bow to another king.

"Hello there, king of Okemia." The king of Rupert said.

"I'm not too sure about that anymore."

The king laughed at the joke. The ex-king of Okemia felt sour.

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